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    Invisible – (Chapter: 27)

    “Spencer!” Ashley yelled, “Hurry the freak up!”


    “Can you hold on, sheesh!” I yelled from my room putting on my jeans as fast as I could without falling over.


    “10…9…8…7!” Ashley counted down.




    “Spencer, 6…5…4!”


    I fiddled with my shirt which for some reason didn’t want to be worn today.


    “3…2…1 ½…1…”


    I ran out of the bedroom closed on, but my hair looked ridiculous.


    “Were you attacked by some lion in there? You are not going out like that.”


    I stood there hands propped on my hips angry. I can never make her happy.


    “Well you started counting down.”


    “Go back in the room and comb your hair.” She looked at her watch, “Scratch that.” She replied moving her hands in front of her. “It’s late, we need to go now. Just use your fingers or something.”



    I pulled the car over to which was supposed to be our realtor. She was in a power suit holding onto her clip board.


    “Hello, how are you doing? I’m Brittney.” She said holding out her hand to both me and Ashley. Why do they always have to be so nice. Do they not get PMSy?”


    “So let’s get started!” Ashley smiled clapping her hands together.


    “Well, what we have here is a condo. It has a wonderful view of Beverly Hills.”


    Ashley looked up and her mouth dropped. I followed her eyes and saw a beautiful building. Damn.


    “Let’s go inside!”


    “Follow me.” Brittney replied leading us into the building as Ashley and I followed. Ashley leaned in to me and bumped my hand.


    “Are we allowed to hold hands?” Ashley whispered in my ear.


    “Is that taking it slow?”


    “I don’t know.”


    I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “I want to hold you hand though.” Ashley smiled squinting her eyes. Brittney looked back at us and smiled.


    “Aww you guys are too cute!” She squealed as we entered the building. She took us up a couple floors where we entered a big open room.


    “Holy mama!” I screamed.


    “Shit, this is huge!” Ashley ran around the space pulling me with her. Every few moments she would find something she liked and screamed into my ear.

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    1. man spence is so adorable not knowing what or how to cook for thanksgiving and than getting way to much for just two people….pms ashley counting down was so funny, and the fact that spencer actually was like a kid trying to finish before their mom gets to three and you get in trouble was hilarous.

    2. man spence is so adorable not knowing what or how to cook for thanksgiving and than getting way to much for just two people….pms ashley counting down was so funny, and the fact that spencer actually was like a kid trying to finish before their mom gets to three and you get in trouble was hilarous.

    3. Favorite line: “What, now, you don’t know what to wear when your going with Ashley on a date? Hint: Wear nothing, it works everytime. – Funny… Loved the update. PMS

    4. Favorite line: “What, now, you don’t know what to wear when your going with Ashley on a date? Hint: Wear nothing, it works everytime. – Funny… Loved the update. PMS

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