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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 9)

    Ashley hopped into her car and Spencer settled into the passenger’s seat. “I’m beat.” Spencer said wiping off the sweat from her forehead.

    “All we did was lay down on the beach.”

    “It gets tiring.”

    “Of course, it is. Soo tiring.

    Spencer pouted at her and slapped her arm.

    “Ow, violent much.”

    “Your such a meany.”

    “I was being sarcastic, Spence, deal with it.”


    Ashley started her car and drove back to UCLA.

    “So do you want to just go to my dorm?” Spencer asked.

    “Well, taken that I haven’t actually been inside, I might take you up on the offer.”

    “All right, my dorm it is.” Spencer took out her phone and dialed Tyler’s number.

    “Ty, are you in our room?”

    “No, why?”

    “Well, Ashley’s coming over, so yeah.”

    “Okay, but when I come back you guys better not be having some hot lesbian sex. Oh wait, please do.”

    “Shut up.”

    “Okay, I’ll be home late then.”

    “Thanks, bye.” Spencer closed her phone and put it back into her purse.

    “Everything cool?” Ashley asked, Spencer nodded in reply.

    “So…this is it!” Spencer smiled opening the door to her dorm room. “The most luxurious place to be in UCLA.” She opened up the door and there stood a small crowded dorm room. On one side was Spencer’s bed, clothes, and posters and on the other was everything a guy would need.

    Ashley climbed up onto the top bunk which was spread over a desk on the bottom. “Wow, I never been so high up before.” Spencer climbed up to her and laid down on her bed.

    “I know it’s not the greatest thing in the world, but it’ll do.”

    “It’s fine, if it yours, I love it.” Ashley replied and gave Spencer a light peck on the cheek.

    “Since when did you become the romantic type?”

    Ashley gasped placing her hand over her chest. “Me? I have always been a romantic person. You just had never gotten to experience it.”

    “Yeah, cause your too caught up watching those scary movies.”

    “Hey! Those are some cool movies.”

    “Why don’t you like watch Titanic or the Notebook?”

    “I’m not a big Celine Dion fan.” Ashley replied.

    Spencer looked at her and slapped her on the arm. “Hey, what was the for?”

    “I am a die-hard Celine Dion fan.” Spencer smiled proudly.

    “I’ll be sure to remember that.”

    “But, seriously, I never thought of you as the romantic type. I always thought you were the one that liked to be treated.”

    “That was your first thought when you thought I was straight, but I’m not. So your all wrong.”

    Spencer thought for a moment. “Yeah, I guess.”

    “You know, I just like giving others everything so that they can be happy. If there happy then I’m happy.”

    “Geez, corny much.”

    “Shut up, you know you like it.”

    “Yeah, sure.”

    A loud buzzing filled the room as Spencer’s phone began to light up. 1 New Text Message. Spencer reached over and opened the text.

    Spence, Hot girl at the club tonight, won’t be back till tomorrow. Lates.

    Spencer read it and laughed. “What did it say?”

    Tyler just met this hot girl and he said he’s not gonna be home till tomorrow.”

    “Does that guy, really think he can tap anything hot that comes near him.”


    “Wow, he’s conceited.”

    “Tell me about.” Spencer smiled.


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