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    Hoops – (Chapter: 12: Wake Up Call)

    When I got back to my room that night, I walked in to see Ashley sitting on her bed on her laptop.

    “Hi,” I said, as she looked up from the screen.

    “Hey, how was the rest of your dinner?”

    “It was fine.  I have something for you.” I pulled Ashley’s change from my pocket and set it on her desk. “Rebecca tried to have dinner on you, but I was able to pry it out of her hands.”

    “You brought me change?”

    “Yeah, of course.  Why wouldn’t I?”

    She looked at me for a moment as if I had grown two heads.  I was so confused.  Maybe she didn’t want her change, but what else was I supposed to do with it?

    “You’re a strange girl, Spencer Carlin.”

     I felt like I should feel insulted, but I didn’t actually feel insulted.  There was something in the way she said it.  It almost sounded like a compliment.

    It was well past midnight, so I hurried through my nightly routine to get ready for bed.  From the clicking of her keyboard, I could tell Ashley had gone back to working on her laptop.  By the time I got back from taking a quick shower, Ashley’s light was off and she was already laying in bed.  I crawled under my own covers, but as the time dragged on I realized I was losing my battle to fall asleep.  There was just too much on my mind.

    “Ashley,” I called out.  I could tell by her shifting and shuffling she hadn’t gone to sleep yet. 

    “Yeah?” she replied groggily.

    “I’m sorry I let you drive home by yourself.”

    It took her awhile to respond.

    “It’s okay, just go to sleep. It’s late.”

    “Ashley,” I called out again a little while later.

    “What, Spence?” she said, her voice muffled by her pillow.

    “Um, I had fun today.”

    “You did?” she asked, sounding much more awake.  I could hear the surprise in her voice, and it was no less than my own surprise at having admitted that I actually enjoyed hanging out with Ashley.  Usually, I spent my Saturday’s walking around campus, listening to music, practicing alone, or reading in the courtyard.  I hadn’t expected doing something different for a change would be so enjoyable.

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    1. wonder what is up with karen and her avoiding spencer but her and ash seem to be getting along so that is great maybe ash will trick spence into going to the club tonight too it is free hahaha pms

    2. Thanks for the update! I’m thinking Karen is actually working with Ashley to get spencer to like Ash??? Anyway, I can also soo them hitting the club?!?! PMS!

    3. I’m really liking how they are slowly getting to know one another. ash is so cute and I also feel like karen is working with ashley. seems to be working…how about hitting the club with them, spence…and bring ash!

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