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    Been A While – (Chapter: Four)


    Chapter Four


    I haven’t seen Spencer since that night, and that was a fews weeks ago. Two to be exact. I wish I could have ran into her at school or something, but I didn’t. I was curious, as one would be, and told John what happened. He told me all about Aiden, and by listening to him, you would think that Aiden is the coolest guy around. I told John how he practically forced it on me, and he said it wasnt him, it was the alcohol.

    Anyway, to the important part, John had informed me that Aiden and Spencer are kinda "a thing". Something about how they used to date but are taking a break. He says that Aiden has apparently never been this in love with someone before. I don’t believe any of that, I mean, he was with me that night, and when Spencer was crying about him, I kinda had the feeling that that wasnt the first tears shes shed over him. Either way, Spencer transferred here this semester with him.

    I could go on and try to explain everything he told me, but that was the main idea. I can’t really explain what Aiden and Spencer apparently are to each other. Trying to explain that is like trying to explain what Spencer and I are to each other.

    Too complicated. You would have had to be there.

    Anyway, I’ll fast foward a little bit, because nothing important has really happened since I saw the beautiful blonde godess. You would think that I woud hate her for the way she acted, I think a part of me does, but honestly, could I really ever hold hate for that girl?

    Like I said, it wasnt until about two weeks later that something happened.





    Whenever I’m feeling lonely, or she is feeling lonely, we’ll give each other a call. It’s a mere booty call, if you will. We’ve been seeing each other for some time now, but don’t get that confused for dating. We are definatly not dating, just seeing each other when we need it.

    She has a gorgeous face and a smoking sexy body, thats pretty much all I’m interested in these days. I don’t really put much effort into their perosnality because personality doesnt matter if you’re only having sex with them and nothing else. I don’t even know much about her, just that shes majoring in biologly. It’s funny because you wouldnt picture her majoring in that. Hell, you wouldnt picture her in college at all.

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    1. Ahaha! Sorry but if I was ashley right now and I said Spencers name instead of the girl I was with a would be laughing my a double s off! I can’t wait to see what happends next. Pms =)

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