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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: How Did You Know)

    For some reason, I felt like I was floating after that. It’s like when you have one of those permanent smiles etched in your face, but it’s not one of those fake ones that you put on during family reunions. No, it was one of those that no matter how much your face hurt, you couldn’t help but keep smiling.

    When we got to her house, she went inside and checked to make sure Kyla wasn’t around before ushering me inside to follow her. We were like ninjas, hiding under the cover of nightfall. The only thing that could make this better, numb chucks… I wonder if being a ninja is a possible career path? Would the guidance counselor look at me funny if I asked that?

    “Come on,” Ashley whispered grabbing my hand, and leading me through the maze she called home. Something about sneaking around with Ashley gave me an adrenaline rush that flowed through my body with more power and force than I’ve ever felt before.

    When we finally got to her room, and shut the door, I felt worn out. Being a ninja isn’t easy.

    “Do you need something to sleep in?” Ashley asked me catching me off guard by hearing her voice again.

    “Yeah,” I replied looking around and taking in my surroundings of the punked out room. It was a lot different than my purple room.

    “Here,” she stated throwing me a pair of shorts, a t shirt, and a hoodie.

    “Thanks,” I smiled before I started thinking about where I was going to change. This could be made awkward…

    “Bathrooms that way,” Ashley smiled reading my mind. It scared me a little, but that’s only cause I’ve never been predictable to anybody before. Truth is, part of me kind of liked it.

    “Thanks,” I whispered again.

    “No problem.”

    The next thing I knew I was wearing Ashley’s cloths, snuggled up in her sheets, while she laid next to me with only the tv light casting shadows on our figures, and the radio playing in the background. I didn’t even have time to figure out how I got here, but I was, and it never felt more right.

    “How did you know?” I whispered into the darkness.

    “Know what?” she replied sitting up on her elbow to face me between the flickers of light that filtered through the tv screen.

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