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    Invisible – (Chapter: 26)

    It was morning and I was the only one laying down the couch. I held my head up over the couch to find Ashley.


    “Ashley?” I called out.


    “Ahh, my finger!” A pan dropped on the stove. Clank.


    “Ashley, are you okay?”


    “Yeah, Spence, I just got burned a little.”


    I got up from the couch pulling the blanket around me and dragged it towards the kitchen. The dinning room and kitchen were both spotless aside for the small area where Ashley was making something.


    “Why is my house clean?”


    Ashley looked behind me and laughed. “I couldn’t leave it all dirty.”


    “Well, I could’ve helped.”


    “Yeah right, you never like cleaning.”


    She was right, I never cleaned. I usually would call my maid and she’ll do it. Lazy ass, I know. I walked over to the bowl and dipped my finger into the white mush with light blue spots. I looked at it and put it into my mouth. Mhmm blueberry pancakes…tasty. Ashley looked over at me flipping over a pancake in her pan. “You like?”


    “I like it berry berry much.”


    “Oh god.” She laughed understanding my joke. “You are such a dork sometimes.”


    “You don’t see me in suspenders and broken glasses!”


    “That’s a nerd.” Ashley said flatly.


    “Oh, well who cares.”


    “Go sit down I’m almost done with the food.”


    “You don’t need to help, I got it.”


    “You sure.” I asked walking up next to her taking in the smell of the pancakes.


    “Yes, I am, now go sit.” She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.


    “I love my little chef.”



    Ashley came into the room holding a plate full of pancakes in one hand and a cup of milk in the other. She placed it on the coffee table and went back into the kitchen. I scooted to the end of my seat and dug in.


    “How are they?” Ashley asked bringing her food to the table. I placed a piece of the food in my mouth. I nodded happily. She grinned at me and began to eat her set of pancakes.

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    1. I’m glad that you updated, but I’ll have to be honest I didn’t care for the puppy buying scene. I would prefer more Spashley. Don’t get me wrong I love your writing, especially this story, I just enjoy reading about their relationship more. :) PMS

    2. I’m glad that you updated, but I’ll have to be honest I didn’t care for the puppy buying scene. I would prefer more Spashley. Don’t get me wrong I love your writing, especially this story, I just enjoy reading about their relationship more. :) PMS

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