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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: Not just yet [Chapter 8])

    We just laid there, for a good 3 or 4 hours now. We didn’t actually do anything, just snuggled and cuddled, in our bra and panties of course, so my hands were basically roaming her whole body, I mean I couldn’t help it, much less pass up this opportunity.
    I was ready, I really was, but Ashley said no. She said it would be wrong to do that to her sister. Sure she had just found out about her sister, but she was still her sister.

    I actually knew it was better, I would definitely felt guilty doing that to Kyla, kissing is one thing, but having sex with her sister was completely crossing the line.

    God, what am I talking about, this is all wrong, kissing is crossing the line already. I’m so going to hell for this.

    I looked up at Ashley, who had been resting her eyes for a good 45 minutes now. Her arms wrapped around my shoulder, as if protecting me from the world, or even just for possessive purposes, it felt good, it felt great.

    I looked over at the clock, 5 p.m. I should’ve been home by now, heck, I shouldn’t be in bed with Ashley right now. Not everything always goes as planned.

    I grab my phone and decide I should call Kyla, I mean I did say I would call her. I get my cell phone and dial the number.

    It rings a couple of times before I finally hear someone pick up.

    “Hello?” I asked, wondering if I dialed the wrong number.

    “Hey” I hear Kyla laughing and a girl in the background.

    “What are you doing?” I ask her.

    “Oh, I went to the food court in the mall for lunch and I met up with a friend here” She says as I hear her continue to giggle at whatever her friend is saying or doing.

    “Oh, and who’s your friend?” I ask, a hint a jealousy in my voice.

    “Who’s that?” I hear in the background.

    “Just a friend” Kyla tells whoever she’s with.

    “It’s just Katie, from school Spence, no biggie, listen I’ll call you back in 5 minutes” She says and she just hangs up on me. She just hanged up on me, no good-bye, no I love you, no nothing.

    I’m immediately brought out of my thoughts as I feel lips on my neck. I lean my head back and let out a moan.

    “Oh god” I moan out at Ashley continues to suck on my pulse point. She lays me down and her lips move onto mine.

    Our tongues fight for dominance and we just stay like that, in that perfect position, both of us telling us how we feel with our kiss, our kiss that unless we stop, we will faint from lack of oxygen.

    She looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. It was perfect, until my phone started ringing.

    “Crap” She said as she got off me and got up off the bed as she grabbed her towel.

    “Hello” I said with a bit of irritation in my voice.

    “Hey baby” I hear Kyla.

    “Oh now I’m your baby?” I ask with anger in my voice.

    “What are you talking about Spence?” She asks me.

    “I’m just your friend when your with Katie, but now I’m your baby” I say.

    “Of course not Spence, I’m just not completely ready to let everybody know about us yet.” She says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

    “It’s alright” I respond quickly.

    “I just overreacted” I add.

    “Not feeling too good”

    “Well I’m going to see you at your house in about 20 minutes, so be ready to feel better, one way or another” She says, as she tried to use that sexy voice she’s been working on.

    “Bye” She says as she hangs up on me and I just look at my phone and smile.

    “Ash, can you give me a ride home?”


    1. I think Kyla is a bitch…I just get this feeling she’s a self-involved narcissist. Spencer is definitely better off with Ashley, but I’m biased! Loved the update. PMS

    2. I think Kyla is a bitch…I just get this feeling she’s a self-involved narcissist. Spencer is definitely better off with Ashley, but I’m biased! Loved the update. PMS

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