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    Invisible – (Chapter: 28)

    I stripped off my clothes and stepped cautiously in the warm water letting it soak into my hair. After a few minutes of letting the water cool me off I reached up for the shampoo bottle which was relatively heavy for it’s own good. It slipped out my hands and somehow slammed itself against my foot. Ouch.




    I balanced myself on one leg while grapping my sore foot. The water began to get a little hotter as I felt my feet slowly slipping. In a second was on the floor and sobbing softly to myself. Ashley came into the room totally surprised.


    “Dude, earthquake.”


    “No, I just…ahh my foot really hurts.” I replied looking through the glass screen. She took of her clothes in a jiffy and opened the screened door and sat at the bottom of the tub completely nude. I’m not saying I didn’t like it, but it was weird seeing her…all of her. She looked at me and followed my eyes which was focused on her breasts. A smile formed across her face.


    “Well, well, well, look what we have here.”


    I shook my head making my way back to reality. My foot was throbbing and the hot water which was hitting my face was not helping. I guess Ashley figured out that the shower wasn’t helping so she plugged the drain and let the water fill up the tub. Bubble bath, for sure.

    ”What happened anyways?” She asked massaging my bruised foot.


    “Well, I sorta reached for the shampoo bottle, then it fell, then I fell, and now I’m here with you.”


    “Not the way I would picture the first time you see me naked, but I guess it’ll do.”


    “This is totally not taking it slow, for real.” I responded nodding my head.


    “Who says were going to do anything?”


    “What’s stopping us?” I asked crawling to her. Her eyes widened as she turned off the water. The tub was completely filled with warm water, bubbles, and us. How perfect.


    “Nothing is.” She smiled leaning in closer to me taking my lips in hers.


    Her lips were soft and gently as our lips touched. It was slow at first, making sure we experienced the moment, but then it became aggressive. Ashley moved back ending the kiss and looked at me. She smiled and growled before almost literally jumping on top of me. She placed her legs around my torso and caressed her hands on my cheek and kissed me. Her mouth roamed my letting her tongue enter. Our tongues wrestled as her hands roamed my body, slowly down as she got came closer to my waist.


    “Umm…” She said in between kisses.


    “Just do it.”


    Without hesitation she entered a finger into my center easing its way in. I moaned in pleasure as she entered a second finger. She thrusted back and forth finding a rhythm as she kissed my lips making her way down to my jaw line.


    “Another…more…” I cried out.


    She entered a third finger and speeded up her rhythm. The pressure was too much and I couldn’t handle my breathing. My center enclosed around her fingers as I became closer and closer.


    “Come on, moan for me.” Ashley whispered kissing my necking.


    Following her commands I let out a big moan. I was so close, so close…


    Ding. Ding.


    I let out a big moan as my body tensed up. Ashley sighed impressed with herself and brushed away the hair that was stuck to my face.


    Ding. Ding.


    “Is someone-”


    “At the door?” I finished. “Yeah.” I stood up from the tub.


    Ashley tugged on my arm. “You don’t have to answer that.” She stood up facing me. She placed her arms around my waist and pulled me closer to her. She tippy-toed to reach my ear, “This doesn’t have to end.”


    My body melted by the sound of her sweet voice.


    “Come on. The bed is waiting for us.” She said.


    I kissed her on the lips and grabbed a towel putting it around my waist and headed towards the front door. I could hear Ashley curse to herself and finally grabbed a towel.


    I walked over to the door and opened it smoothing out my hair.


    “Hello, Spencer.”


    “Hello, Mom.”


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