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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: Sooner or later [Chapter 9])

    Thankfully, Ashley got me home before Kyla showed up. Well she had to, especially after I told her it was an emergency, she literally ran all the lights, and quite coincidentally they were all red.
    I’m just sitting here, waiting for Kyla to show up. I’m online talking with people from back home, of course all miss me, I mean moving here to Baltimore was the hardest thing I had to do, but if it hadn’t happened I never would’ve met Kyla, or Ashley.

    God, what have I got myself into. I really have to choose, I can’t go on like this, I mean, something is going to go wrong, I know it I can feel it, its all going to blow up in my face, sooner or later.

    I hear my phone start ringing and I jump over my bed to get it. Hopefully it’s Kyla, explaining why the hell she isn’t here yet.

    “Hello?” I say into the phone.

    “Hey baby” I hear Ashley on the other line. My smile disappears for a second, but then comes right back.

    “Hey” I say.

    “So is everything okay?” She asks, I wonder what she’s talking about, oh, the emergency.

    “Yeah, it’s been solved” I lie out of my ass, god I hope she doesn’t notice.

    “Okay then, just making sure everything is okay, bye, call me if anything” She says with such worry. I feel so bad, but, oh god I don’t know anymore.

    “Okay, I’ll call you around 8, bye” I hang up and throw my phone on my bed and I soon follow. Closing my eyes, hoping to get everything straight in my head, hoping that all this somehow fixes itself, even though I know it’s impossible.

    “Honey” I open my eyes, everything’s dark except the hallway light that’s lighting up my face as my dad stands at the doorway.

    “Dad” I say in a completely sleepy voice.

    “I must’ve dozed off, what time is it?” I ask him as he walks towards me and sits on the edge of my bed.

    “It’s around 9:30” He says as he tries to look at his watch with the small amount of light that’s shining in my room.

    “Crap” I say, Kyla never showed up, I didn’t call Ashley, god, what the hell made me so tired.

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