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    Invisible – (Chapter: 29)

    “Hello, Spencer.”


    “Hello, Mom.”


    She looked at me confused. I was still holding onto my towel, hair wet, and dripping.


    “Spencer!!” Ashley hollered from our room. “Come on…”


    I looked at my mom who was trying to figure out what was happening.


    “Mom…” I said nodding my head and jumping around.


    After a few seconds she finally got it. “Ohhh!”


    “Yeah, Mom, not a good time.”


    “Well I guess I better go then.”


    “Yeah, maybe later.” I said slowly closing the door. She butted her head one more time and smiled.


    “Can I meet her?”


    “Mom, seriously!”


    “Honey, I just want to say hello.”


    I sighed loudly narrowing my eyes at her.


    “Ashley!” I called out from the room.


    “Can you hurry up!”


    “You need to come down here.”




    “Come down.” I yelled and faced back to my mom who was smiling.




    “So you guys are back together?”


    “I guess, well not, it’s not official.”


    I saw the reaction on her and I turned around seeing a half naked Ashley walking down the stairs. I quickly closed the door and faced her.


    “Ashley, what are you doing.” I whispered.


    “Well, I seem to recall that you called me down here.”


    “Can you at least put on a bra?”  I replied pointing at her boobs, which were just sitting there.




    “My mom is here!”


    Ashley’s facial expression changed. “Oh fuck.”


    “First impressions, are always good right?”


    “I’m gonna go grab something to wear and then I’ll come back down.” She replied running up the stairs holding her boobs in place with her hands. I let out a big sigh and opened the door.


    “Sorry, Mom.”


    “Psh, oh no problem. It’s normal.” She laughed.


    “Yeah, totally normal.”


    Ashley ran made her way down the stairs and met up with me the front door.


    “Uh, hello, Mrs. C.” She smiled politely holding out her hand.


    “Glad to meet you, Ashley, is it?”


    Ashley nodded and looked over at me scared. I rubbed my hands behind her back softly reassuring her.

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