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    Practice – (Chapter: When It Rains, It Pours)

    "Wow, this is fun!"

    I stare at Ashley out of the corner of my eye, wanting to smile at her sarcasm. Aiden stands up and shuts the t.v. off, moments later he is seated in his recliner. My stomach flips in disgust as Ashley wraps her arms around Dianne’s shoulders.

    "Well… we could play Monopoly!"

    I barely catch the various groans that fill the room; I’m too busy watching the exchange between Ashley and Dianne.

    "Oh, wait, wait, wait. I’ve got Clue!"

    I’m not surprised when I hear more groans and see Ashley throw a pillow in Aiden’s direction.

    "I thought you said this would be fun."

    Aiden turns his attention to Ashley, holding his hand to his heart. "This is fun!" He says referring to his pointless get together. Ashley doesn’t bother responding; she simply pulls Dianne closer to her, and intertwines their fingers. Her eyes dart in my direction for the millionth time tonight.

    "We’re gonna go on a beer run."

    Ashley stands, pulling Dianne up with her. The pair of them make they’re way to the living room door, stopping just before they vanish from site. "Anybody want anything?"


    "Jack!" I shout.

    "Just Corona then?" I don’t bother to say anything, knowing Ashley purposely ignored my request. The petite brunette shoots a thumbs up, before being pulled out of the house by Dianne.

    "What’s up with you and Ash?"

    I feign ignorance at Aiden’s question. A few laughs come from Aiden’s basketball buddies; Trent and Parker. I roll my eyes; Sarah and Kim nudge their boyfriends, scolding them with their eyes.

    "Oh, come on Spence! We’ve all been best buds since High School, don’t leave us out of the drama… in fact we’d prefer if you gave us every detail of what happened between you and Ash… every detail."

    I grab the pillow from behind my head, lean forward, and throw it as forcefully as possible at Aiden’s oversized head. Of course he blocks it with ease and shoots me one of his trade mark smiles.

    "I’m just screwing with ya Spence. You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to." Aiden’s last sentence shocks me a bit, if its one thing Aiden’s good at its minding other peoples business.

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    1. Ruh roh…I’m with dawniekey, if the blood was checked twice how on earth did the patient receive the wrong blood type. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions and let me tell you the nurses drove me crazy making sure that they were transfusing the correct blood type. So that’s pretty wild. Great update!

    2. Ruh roh…I’m with dawniekey, if the blood was checked twice how on earth did the patient receive the wrong blood type. I’ve had 3 blood transfusions and let me tell you the nurses drove me crazy making sure that they were transfusing the correct blood type. So that’s pretty wild. Great update!

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