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    Practice – (Chapter: We’re Going Down)

    Before she can get any further I jump out of my seat and head for the door. Spencer’s hand shoots out in an attempt to comfort me. I don’t pay any attention to this gesture, just violently shoved her away from me and exit the office. I don’t stop walking, I continue until I am out of the building walking right past my car and into the night.

    8 Months later

    Paula’s yelling. And when I say yelling I mean it. It wouldn’t surprise me if the people in the main lobby could hear her going off, having a field day with her words. But you wanna know what the worse part about this is? The worst this is that I honestly don’t care. She’s screaming at the top of her lungs, using the foulest language I’ve ever heard her use, and in my sick head I find this highly amusing.

    "Are you even listening to me?"

    Surprisingly these words catch my attention. You’d think after hearing Dianne ask me this sentence at least three times a day it’d start to go in one ear and out the other, but nope, it doesn’t. "Yes Paula. I’m listening to you." I stare up into her blue eyes, not surprised to find them filled with disappointment.

    "Are you really, or are you just saying that?"

    As much as I try I can’t help the laughter that escapes me. Because once again Paula has said something that Dianne reiterates constantly. Apparently I’m the only person who finds this amusing. The blonde in front of me opens her mouth, but before she has a chance to speak a more youthful blonde takes over. "This isn’t a joke Ashley."

    "This isn’t a joke?" I ask a mock thankful look spreads across my face. "Well thank God my lawyer was here to let me in on that, otherwise I might not have come to that conclusion." Spencer throws her hands up in frustration and look over to her mother for support.

    "Ashley you’re erratic behavior is out of control. You’ve already cost this practice three million dollars. Do you know what could happen if the board found out about this?" I laugh again, finding her empty threats to be more than just a bit entertaining. "This isn’t funny Ashley!" She yells slamming her hands against her desk top.

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    1. I hope Ashley gets her head outta her rear and changes Spencer’s mind. They’ve both been through some bad experiences, they need to hear each other out and lean on each other rather than turn it into a competition.

    2. I hope Ashley gets her head outta her rear and changes Spencer’s mind. They’ve both been through some bad experiences, they need to hear each other out and lean on each other rather than turn it into a competition.

    3. Self pity is not becoming of Ashley Davies. I can’t believe Spencer put up with Ashley for 8 months…I would be done too! Grow up Ashley! Loved the update!

    4. Self pity is not becoming of Ashley Davies. I can’t believe Spencer put up with Ashley for 8 months…I would be done too! Grow up Ashley! Loved the update!

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