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    Bartender (Ch.10)

    Ashley woke up and rolled over, stiffening when she realized that she hit a body. She quickly realized that it was Spencer though and she grinned before looking up. The blonde was awake and had her nose buried in a book so she didn’t notice that Ashley was staring at her. Ashley slowly reached over and laid her hand on Spencer’s ribcage. The blonde looked down and smiled before she noticed Ashley’s devious grin.

    “Don’t you da-“ But she was cut off as Ashley’s fingers started rapidly moving, tickling Spencer. The blonde was doing her best to get away but Ashley had the advantage and was merciless until Spencer finally started begging and promising all sorts of things. Ashley was laughing until Spencer got a devious smile and launched herself at the brunette, finding her sides and starting another tickle war. They fell off the tiny bed, laughing as they hit the floor. Spencer caught Ashley’s eye and before either of them could think about it they were all over each other again.

    Breathing got shorter and heavier and Ashley flipped them over, ignoring how uncomfortable the floor was in favor of keeping the kisses coming. Spencer’s hands were moving up and down her sides and Ashley reached down, lacing their fingers together before dragging the blonde’s hands up and above her head, pinning them there. She heard Spencer moan into the kiss and she couldn’t stop her grin. Oooh, she likes to be dominated?

    “Well damn, it’s about fucking time.” Both girls jumped and looked over to find Aiden standing in the living room, looking into Spencer’s room. Ashley hadn’t even thought about the fact that Aiden was coming back that day. She couldn’t stop her grin though as she climbed off of Spencer and stood up before helping the blonde to her feet. “Had a productive break I see,” He chuckled, coming into the room to hug both the girls.

    “Yeah well, she kept trying to seduce me and who was I to say no?” Ashley said, making Spencer slap her arm, even though she was grinning.

    “Well dang, you kept ignoring all my signals. I mean candles; I dropped wine on my shirt! Come on, it was kind of obvious.” Ashley’s jaw dropped as she turned around.

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    1. if i was spencer i’d kill my brother but make up some lame excuse as of why so he didn’t figure it out and plus he was checking out her girl, he deserves a slap upside the head.

    2. glad you’re back. it’s been a while. Love this update. Poor Ash. She’s about to get some “exercise”. haha..I love this line. And Glen, he ruined it all. Man, couldn’t he wait a little longer?

    3. glen…. damn you! slap him spence lol. ok is he really visiting a friend or is soemthing about to happen? excellent update once again, glad you’re back with this one! pms!

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