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    Our Way – (Chapter: Time for School)

    8th grade: New school, new people, and new problems. Perfect.


    Spencer laid down restlessly on her bed and picked up a new book she just got: Empress of the World by Sara Ryan. She opened it to the first page and slowly began to trace her index finger under each line she read.


    I am sitting cross-legged on an uncomfortable seat, waiting for a speech to start. It has been approximately forty-five minutes since Mom and Dad left me here. I am going to be here for the whole summer, and I not know a single person.


    Spencer laughed lightly knowing how the girl in the book felt. I continued.


    I opened my big new journal. So far all it has is a title page which says “Field Notes” in block letters. I turn to the first blank page and write:

    Hypothesis: taking an actual class in archaeology will serve to confirm Nicole Lancaster in her lifelong dream of becoming an archaeologist.


    Spencer had reached the 10th page of the book when her Mom came in. She knocked on the door lightly and let herself in. She smiled at her and sat on the edge of my bed. “What are you reading?”


    “Oh, it’s nothing.” Spencer replied nervously tucking it under her pillow. Paula’s expression changed worried about her daughter.


    “I think I’m gonna go to sleep now.”


    “Okay, honey, goodnight.” Her mom said kissing Spencer on her forehead and exited her room turning off the light. Spencer moved over to her side feeling the book under her pillow and smiled. Tomorrow was going to be a fresh start for her. No one to call her names, no one to bug her, and no one to call her…gay.



    “Spencer, wake up.” Paula whispered kindly shaking my arm. Spencer looked up at her wincing at the brightness of her room. She groaned pulling her blanket over her and turned to her side.


    “Spencer, you better get up.” Paula said walking out her room probably to wake up her brother, Glen. Spencer laid there shivering from the cold wind coming from her window. After a few minutes, she got up and made her way downstairs meeting up with her dad and Glen who was sitting at the table eating from a bowl of cereal.


    “Ready for school?” He asked between his mouthfuls of coca puffs.


    “Do I look ready?”


    Glen looked at her sister, eyeing her messed up hair and the faint spot of dry drool at the corner of her mouth.


    “Hm, maybe not.”


    “I got shower first.”


    “Hey, that’s not fair!” Spencer whined pouring herself a bowl of coca puffs.


    “I’m your big brother, I get shower first.”


    “But, I’m a girl.”


    “So…I’m a guy.”


    “But I take longer showers.”


    “Who cares, I woke up first, so technically I get to shower first.” Glen smiled finishing his bowl of cereal and stood up not caring to put away his dish. Arthur looked up from the sink and saw Glen walking out.


    “Hey, you better wash your dishes.” Arthur ordered looking at his son.                     


    “Aww, come on pops, I have to take a shower.”


    “Just pick up the bowl and give to me. It isn’t hard, son.”


    Glen rolled his eyes picking up his bowl and handing it to his son.


    “Now, can I take a shower?”


    “Well, I guess so.”


    Glen shook his head angry looking at Spencer as he left the dining room.


    “That boy has got a lot of nerve.”


    “Tell me about it.”


    “So, is my little girl ready for school?” Arthur smiled easing into his happy mood. “You better not be messing around with any boys.”


    “Don’t worry, dad…I won’t be messing with the boys.” Spencer said. But maybe with the girls.


    1. the end line was funny maybe with the girls, so she knows she’s gay but hasn’t said anything to anyone else yet…can’t wait to see where this goes…pms

    2. the end line was funny maybe with the girls, so she knows she’s gay but hasn’t said anything to anyone else yet…can’t wait to see where this goes…pms

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