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    Invisible – (Chapter: 30)

    “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. C” I smiled embracing them as they entered my house. I looked past them and saw Spencer’s brothers. “Glen, Clay.”


    “So, Spencer’s in the kitchen she’ll be out in a minute.”


    They all smiled at me and took a seat around the TV. I excused myself and made my way towards the kitchen.


    “How’s my chef.” I asked standing next to her as she took out the turkey.


    “Oh god, this looks good.” Spencer laughed moving her hand over the turkey taking a whiff.


    “I can’t believe you made this.”


    “I know I’m so brilliant.”


    “Oh, yes you are.” I smiled kissing her on the lips.


    “Okay, okay.” Spencer said stepping away. “You go talk to my family, dinner will be served in a few.” She replied and worked her way around the kitchen preparing our meal. I walked out of the kitchen and found the Carlin family laughing.


    “Hey, what’s going on?” I asked sitting in a chair next to Clay.


    “Well, we were just talking about how Spencer gets all nervous before her games. And there was this one time she got so nervous she put her clothes on inside-out.”


    I burst out laughing covering my mouth as the rest of family slapped their thighs and laughed with me.


    “Oh man, I wish I could’ve seen that.”


    “Mom, how come you couldn’t take me to that game.” Glen smiled holding his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh.


    “At least you saw it on TV…and recorded it!”


    “Man, were did that tape go.” Clay shook his head looking over at me.


    “We definitely have to find it.” I smiled determined to find it.



    “Please pass the potatoes please.” Arthur said holding his hand out. I grabbed the bowl and handed it over to him.


    “Damn, Spencer this is bomb.” Glen said eating a spoonful of mixed vegetables.


    The whole table was covered with so many different foods. I was so glad that we weren’t gonna have as much leftovers as we were expecting. There was the turkey in the middle surrounded by bowls of mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, rice, and all that other good stuff.  

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    1. okay that was great how spencer interupted the story and jumped up which made ashley’s hand bang against the table and the brother’s knew what happened, i wonder if the parents knew and than erin shows up with a dog….yikes…pms

    2. “Oh fuck me!” Spencer cried out jumping up. – My hand banged against the bottom of the table. “Shit.” I cried holding on to my throbbing arm. The whole Carlin clan looked at us surprised. – LMAO…Funny! Then add a dog in the mix! Disaster? I loved the update…Please don’t make us wait long for the next update…

    3. okay that was great how spencer interupted the story and jumped up which made ashley’s hand bang against the table and the brother’s knew what happened, i wonder if the parents knew and than erin shows up with a dog….yikes…pms

    4. “Oh fuck me!” Spencer cried out jumping up. – My hand banged against the bottom of the table. “Shit.” I cried holding on to my throbbing arm. The whole Carlin clan looked at us surprised. – LMAO…Funny! Then add a dog in the mix! Disaster? I loved the update…Please don’t make us wait long for the next update…

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