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    What if i say i’m not like the others?What if i say i will never surrender? Part deux.



     I don’t expect you to understand, I never have.

    Please don’t think that this has anything to do with you or what we had.

    Always and forever


    Dropping the note, Spencer turned and ran to her car, almost pulling the door off its hinges in desperation. Starting the engine, she pulled out of the driveway and drove to the lighthouse.

    As the lighthouse came into view, she swerved into the parking lot, slamming on the brakes. Without bothering to kill the engine she hurried out of the car and bolted down the faded gravel pathway, skidding to a halt at the very edge of the cliff .

    Searching the area with desperate eyes, the blonde gave a sharp gasp as she witnessed the brunette’s petite body tumbling down the steep face of the cliff, colliding head first into jagged rocks, limbs flailing. Suddenly coming to an abrupt stop as she smashed into a large boulder, her body becoming lifeless instantly.

    Spencer fell to her knees, her eyes refusing to leave Ashley’s bloodied and lifeless body as hot tears streamed down her face,scorching her skin and forcing her to blink.

    The cerulean eyed girl watched as sickeningly red liquid oozed from what seemed like every pore of Ashley’s being and trickled into the blue tinted water, the redness swirling before dissolving slowly and disappearing into the depths.

    At this moment the heaven’s opened and the sky seemed to weep for the young life lost, washing away the final traces of the red liquid which had almost ironically been what had kept Ashley Davies alive for 17 years, what kept her heart beating strongly and her chest rising and falling steadily….without this lifeline the tiny brunette’s complexion had now become a shade paler and her lips turned a startling deep grey.

    Spencer looked through the curtain of rain with hollow eyes as it pelted down around her.

    Slowly clambering to her feet, the blonde steadied herself before glancing back at her lover’s body, the waves crashing down as the ever hungry sea claimed Ashley Davies as it’s own.

    Tilting her head skyward, Spencer watched as thick, heavy droplets of water rushed towards her splashing against her ivory skin.

    Glancing back down at her carefully scraped creation, Spencer gave a soft sigh and smiled sadly.

    “Laters Ash”.


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