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    Decoy – (Chapter: Higher Class)

    "This is my boy Aiden. He’ll be the one showing you the ropes." The over-sized, foul smelling white man in the seat next to me pulls into a long perfectly paved driveway. "Tomorrow night he’ll take you up to meet Tommy, and then you’ll be given directions from there."

    He continues to follow the driveway until a nice two story house comes into view. Once the car stops I hear a small click as my door is unlocked, courtesy of Mr. Greasy himself. The man formally known as Jason offers me a small smile. His coffee stained teeth do more bad than good.

    I don’t bother offering him any kind of thanks as I step out of the car. He’s a nobody, there’s no reason for me to waste my manners on someone of his unimportant status. I watch from the outside of the car as he flips his cell open, and raises it to his ear. "Hey, we’re outside… Okay." I stare at his dirt stained shirt as he speaks. "He says to go right in." A nod and a disgusted glare is my only response.

    When I reach the wooden door my left index finger finds it’s way to the doorbell. It takes a few moments but eventually I hear a light shuffling from the inside. The loud noise of the door being unlocked comes just seconds later. The door swings open, revealing a tall blonde haired girl, with breath taking blue eyes.

    "Hi, I’m Spencer." She speaks in a weak tone, eyes glued to the hardwood floor.

    "Ashley." I say, offering her my hand. I’m not sure if she’s just being plain rude or if it’s because she doesn’t see it, but either way my outstretched hand goes ignored. I simply shrug my shoulders and assume she ignores it for the same reason I ignored my driver, maybe she thinks she better than me. Too good to take my hand in hers.

    "Do you have no manners Spencer? Invite the girl in." A loud masculine voice surrounds us, just as I pull my perfectly manicured hand away. She pulls the door back further giving me ample room to enter. And by the way she doesn’t respond, it’s not hard to figure out what’s going on. Obviously this is a broken home. But since it isn’t my place to say I simply walk around the beautiful blonde, and enter the house.

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    1. no please continue i love this story and aiden is a prick she’s not allowed to eat who does he think he is i’m so glad ash has decided to get spencer out of there…pms

    2. no please continue i love this story and aiden is a prick she’s not allowed to eat who does he think he is i’m so glad ash has decided to get spencer out of there…pms

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