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    Invisible – (Chapter: 32)

    “Yeah, I know, I just don’t want to tell her. I just hope she remembers, you know?”


    “Yeah, totally. I mean you did tell her when your birthday is. I mean you know hers.”


    “Duh, I told her. She’s probably too stressed out or something.”


    “Stressed out, seriously? Spencer, she doesn’t even go to her practices.”


    “I don’t know, maybe she just forgets.”


    “Ash, you really need to stop making excuses for her. If she totally forgets about it, I don’t know how you can just not care.”


    “I do care Erin. I just think it slipped her mind.”


    “Whatever you say.”


    “Yeah…” I sighed deeply in the phone. I was at my condo since I paid all the movers to arrange all my crap so I don’t have to you know…break a nail. I pressed my cell phone against my ear as laid across my king-size bed. “It just sucks you know.”


    “Yeah I know what you mean. How’s the condo?”


    “It’s perfect, but it’s so lonely.”


    “Why’d you get it anyways?”


    “Cause I can’t always be spending time at Spencer’s house.”


    “Why not?” Erin questioned. “You’re together so it doesn’t matter.”


    “It’s rude, I’m not even moving in with her.”


    “And again I say, why not?”


    “We’re just getting used to being a couple again.”


    “It didn’t stop you before?”


    “Gah, questions are killing me!” I whined reaching for my brush and began brushing my hair. Tangles are a bitch.


    “My bad, I just want to know.”


    The condo was really quiet. I mean really really quiet. It’s kinda scary once you think about it, like no one is here, just me and my furniture.


    “I’m scared.”




    “Sleep over.”




    “I don’t want to be here alone.”


    “Isn’t that the point of getting another place, to be alone?”


    “Shut up and hurry up. Bring the dog too.”


    “Got it, boss.”



    20 long minutes passed until finally the doorbell rang. I pulled a sweater over my head and walked over in my bunny slippers (they are so adorable) and opened the door. Erin stood there smiling holding Jake under her arm and a duffel bag in the other.

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    1. Uh oh…Erin and Ashley…who didn’t see that one coming? I’m just waiting for Spencer to walk in on them…Someone may visit the hospital before the night is over and it won’t be Spencer! Awesome update! PMS

    2. Uh oh…Erin and Ashley…who didn’t see that one coming? I’m just waiting for Spencer to walk in on them…Someone may visit the hospital before the night is over and it won’t be Spencer! Awesome update! PMS

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