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    Our Way – (Chapter: Dinner Time)

    Jessica sat across from Spencer at her dinner table clutching her spoon as it made its way into the mashed potatoes and into her mouth. Her parents were engaged in small talk as the two teenagers ate quietly. Spencer never felt fully comfortable at her friend’s house since she saw what happens when she’s not around. Jessica’s dad a really great husband and an awesome architect looked different to her. She now saw the signs. The smiling, winking, and the soft touching, it was all disgusting for a father to do that to his child. Spencer just wanted to-


    “So, Spencer, Jessica tells me that you’re her best friend now.” Mrs. Avens said smiling.


    Spencer looked at Jessica and made an awe face. “Well, she’s just the greatest.” Jessica laughed a little and smiled at her.


    “You guys have such a great friendship.”


    “Well, yeah, we know so much about each other that we’re always comfortable with each other.” Jessica added taking a drink of her iced tea.


    “Yeah, like some secrets your supposed to keep between only you too.” Mr. Avens shot back glaring at Spencer. He then looked back at his wife and smiled…like the perfect husband he is. Jessica gulped down her drink and shut her mouth.


    “I bet they do have a lot of secrets between them. Why wouldn’t they tell each other everything?” Mrs. Avens said.


    “Yeah…” Spencer said uneasily.


    “Can I please be excused?” Jessica asked getting up from her chair. “I don’t feel hungry anymore.”


    “Yes, dear.”


    Jessica looked at me sadly and walked upstairs to her bedroom.


    “Well, I guess I better get going.” Mrs. Avens said standing up and placing her napkin on to her plate.


    “Where are you going?” Spencer asked.


    “I have a nightshift at work today.”


    She went over to her husband and kissed him. She waved at me goodbye and pulled out her car keys and left the house. Spencer and Mr. Avens sat there alone. Spencer’s heart began to race. She looked down at her plate trying her best to avoid his eye contact.


    “I’m gonna go into my study to finish up my blue print. Do you mind putting the dishes in the sink?” He said and walked out of the dining room.


    “No.” Spencer whispered to no one. He did not just ask his guest to clean up after him. Spencer grabbed all the dishes from around the table and carried them into the kitchen. She set them down into the sink and washed her hands.




    Spencer looked up frightened. Oh fuck. She turned off the faucet and wiped her wet hands on her jeans and ran up the stairs. Jessica’s door was closed and the light was off.  No, this can’t be happening, please, no. Spencer ran up to the bedroom door and started pounding on it.


    “Jessica! Jessica!”


    “Spencer!” Jessica shrieked.


    1. okay he’s doing it with some else in the house how confident does this bastard think he is, pms make spencer kick his ass after breaking down the door.

    2. okay he’s doing it with some else in the house how confident does this bastard think he is, pms make spencer kick his ass after breaking down the door.

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