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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 13 – Wood Hunters)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 13 – Wood hunters


    Spencer had us stand in a line; in our usual order of course. She hands each pair a clip board, which had a single piece of paper attached to it. And on that paper was a list of various things that could be located in the woods surrounding the camp.

    Oh and Spencer hasn’t acknowledged me since I joined the line. She didn’t even glance my way once nor did she look at me when I was passed a clipboard.

    “Okay Pacific’s we’re going into the woods, so stay with you partners. Should you get into a pickle I have assigned each pair with a emergency whistle. Your task is to find each item on the list; again each pair has a plastic bag in which to carry the things you find. Okay girls get going…” Even when Spencer spoke, she never looked at me, so I was like I wasn’t even part of the group. And the out-casted feeling hurts.

    “What about Ashley, she doesn’t have a partner?” Katie asks.

    “Oh she can come with me” Madison smirks, ignoring the elbow in the ribs from Kyla.

    “No! I mean no. Ashley’s coming with me” Ha-ha I wish I was coming with her. Yeah you’re quite right that was inappropriate. Well I think I owe Madi big time. If she’s partnered with me, then she has to talk to me right? Well I’ll make her talk to me, if she starts ignoring me again.

    “Okay, any questions?” Spencer asked looking at everyone, excluding me of course.

    There was a silence, which I’m guessing means that there are no questions to be asked. We’re just looking at each other expectantly. Spencer nods her head, and turns towards the woods. At that moment Madison hurries to my side.

    “So how’s the plan working?” she asks, whispering in my ear. Spencer is still too close to talk normally.

    “Well we kissed a few minutes ago, but she ran away and is now she is ignoring me. And I think she only wants to be my partner, because you wanted me to join your pair.” I laughed at the end. Just thinking of Spencer’s face whenever she catches Madi flirting with me, makes me laugh.

    “She is so jealous of me ha-ha. Well then again who isn’t” Madison replied smirking. I playfully pushed her arm. We were both laughing, slapping and pushing each other gently  

    When I looked up I saw Spencer watching us; frowning. So I know she still cares. If I wasn’t so stuck on being with the blonde, I would be getting quite annoyed right now. And while we are on the subject what right does she have to be jealous or upset, she’s the one that just kissed me and ran away.

    So what if she’s scared, I know I may not show it, but I’m bloody petrified. I have never felt this way about anyone, and in just 3 days, I may have fallen in love with a girl who is supposedly straight. At least she knows I’m gay, so there’s no gamble with me.

    “Can we get going now?” Evelyn says, she’s practically bouncing on the spot. I think she may be excited about this activity, or it could just be that she will finally be alone with Katie, without supervision. Maybe I should warn them about no hanky panky in the Poison Ivy.

    “Oh yeah, you can go.” Spencer says, just as she catches my eyes with hers. The contact is broken, when Madison kisses my hand, grinning cheekily, before skipping of to Kyla; who immediately links their arms.

    Spencer was frowning again. Do you think it’s rather cruel to make someone think something is true, when in fact it isn’t? Well I do, but I believe that Spencer needs a little push to get her to come to me. And she hasn’t mentioned Aiden yet, so I don’t think he is what’s stopping Spencer.

    I think I may have more luck in the woods. I walk up to Spencer smiling sweetly. Spencer smiles happily when I link my arm with hers. Then we head for woods edge, following the rest. I see Madison and Kyla go off to the right, while Evelyn and Katie go left. So me and Spencer walk straight forward, going deeper into the woods.


    1. Gaahhh, damn your dentist and the dogs. Can’t believe you leave us like that. Oh well it was great anyway. I love how jealous Spencer is. Awesome update. PMASAP!!! I hope you feel better soon!

    2. I love this story! Ashley and Madison are really pushing Spence’s button’s, she’s sooo jealous. Better pull her finger out (not literally…well maybe :-) ) or Ashley’s gonna take it elsewhere! I appreciate you posted even tho’ you’re feeling like shit warmed up. You’ve made my Friday night…! At least I’ve had some fun…aarrgghh! Must…Get…Life…or GF!… You rock, PMS pleeeease!!!

    3. i love the dentist i love going no matter what my mom thinks im weird but shes afraid of the dentist like seriously one time he was going to give her a shot in her mouth she saw the needle and threw up,i was like your such a sisi,i hope you dont hurt to bad it was a great post i love how spencer is all jealous of madision pms please :)

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