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    Our Way – (Chapter: Life Behind Closed Doors)

    A month had passed since school started and the temperature began to die down. Spencer and Jessica hung out every single day before, during, and after school giving them a nickname of “the new best friends”. Jessica was still best friends with Steven and Ashley, but she found something different in Spencer that the others did have. Honesty. They were honest with everything, but that was what Spencer thought, when she found out…


    A few days ago…


    Spencer made her way towards her friend’s house holding her Hollister bag under her arm. Jessica’s light wasn’t on but her whole house was lit up. Spencer didn’t care thinking that she was probably watching TV in her family room and continued towards the door. She knocked lightly and for someone to answer. No one. She knocked a little harder and still no one. She twisted the door knob and pushed it open.


    She walked around the brightly lit house calling out Jessica, but no one answered. She decided to just try and see if her friend was in her room. She could’ve been trying to relax in the dark or something. Spencer walked to her door and slowly opened it peering through the small crack before letting herself in.


    “Please stop!” Jessica cried. The bed was shaking and I saw two dark figures on top of each other moving violently. The grunting of a man filled the room as Jessica screamed for him to stop.

    “Stop, please!”


    Spencer turned on the light before rushing over to her friend’s bed.


    “What the fuck?” The man said turning around zipping up his pants.


    “Mr. Avens?”


    Spencer already angry looked past the evil man and saw her best friend. Hurt, red, and crying. Mr. Avens buttoned up his shirt and jumped off the bed and walked out stopping in front of Spencer.


    “Say anything and I will kill you.” He ordered and pushed his way out of his daughter’s room shutting the door loudly.


    Spencer looked over at Jessica who was sitting up on her bed wrapping up a blanket around her body.


    “Jessica…” Spencer said lightly not sure what to do. She was furious with Jessica’s dad, how can he do that. She wanted to put him in jail for what he did to Jessica, because it’s just not right.

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