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    Our Way – (Chapter: Just A Click Away.)

    Jessica flipped her phone and began to press the numbers on the pad.


    Spencer, tell your parents thanks for giving me a place to live, but I’m gonna shack up with my cousins for a bit. They actually don’t really care about you know, everything that’s wrong with me. So I’ll call you later. –Jess



    Ashley squatted down on a bench pressing her back against the wall, exhausted. She arched her body upwards reaching in her butt pocket for the drawing. She began to straighten it slowly and looked at it again, trying to find anything that could explain why she was half-naked and why it said I love Ashley on the bottom. She placed her fingers gently on the drawing moving it in circular motions and sighed. She had no clue what to do. Her head turned sideways and there stood Jessica.


    “She likes you, you know.” Jessica said quietly sitting down next to her.


    “Yeah, I sorta figured it out.”


    “It’s a nice drawing, though.” She said and took the picture. “At least it makes you look hot.”


    Ashley laughed nervously and brushed away her bangs to waste talking time.


    “You’re not weirded out, right? I mean that she is the way she is…”


    “Well I’m still friends with you.”


    Jessica folded the drawing up and got up from the bench handing it to her friend. “Keep it.”  Ashley looked up taking the drawing and enclosing her hand over it. “You like her don’t you.”


    “It doesn’t matter anymore.” Jessica sighed and nodded. She turned around and walked slowly away holding her books in her arm.



    Spencer clicked her pen and began to draw different shapes. It was quiet and the only sound in the room was the sound of pen and paper bumping into each other making scribbling noises. The desk began to shake and the chorus of the Hold On by the Jonas Brothers began to play.  The pen fell to the ground as Spencer reached over pressing her phone against her ear without checking who it was.


    “Yeah, it’s Spencer?”


    “Spence, it’s Ashley, is this a bad time?”


    Spencer looked over at her paper and shook her head. The paper was covered with different lines going in different directions; making tables weren’t always her best talent especially without a ruler.


    “No, why what’s up?”


    “Nothing, I just wanted to talk, cause I’m like really bored?”


    “Call your boyfriend then, shouldn’t you guys be talking like every single night.”


    “Boys will be boys, and most of the time they don’t call.”


    “Well call him then.”


    “Uh….no.” Ashley said flatly. She knew she wanted to talk to Spencer, but she didn’t know why. She loved Craig, of course, but it easy to talk to Spencer.


    “Great, you guys are such an awesome couple.”


    “You still love him right?” Spencer asked.


    Ashley hesitated for a moment before answering. “Yeah, I do.”


    Spencer’s heart dropped. She wasn’t expecting a straight answer, but yet she still asked the question.




    “Nothing, I’m just wondering.”


    Silence fell and it became awkward. To buy some time, Spencer reached down on the floor to get her pen. She began clicking it as loud as she can to make Ashley start talking again, eventually it worked.


    “That’s so annoying.”


    “Whoops, my bad. I was just really bored.”


    “Oh…I’m making you bored.”


    Spencer dropped her pen on the ground, yet again. “No, no, I like talking to you. I’m never bored.”


    From then Ashley knew, Spencer did like her and she’s been flirting with her ever since. She just never really saw it, cause she was always with Craig…Craig.


    “Well you know, your just a fun person, ya know. It’s just awesome to talk to you.”


    “You’re such a kiss-up.”


    “Thanks.” Spence laughed uneasily. She would sure love to kiss up to her…


    There was beep on the phone. “Hey, I got another line hold on.” Spencer clicked over. “Hello?”


    “Hey, sorry to bother you. Are you busy?”


    Spencer pulled her phone away from her ear. Who did she really want to talk to you?


    “Uh, yeah, actually I am. Sorry.”


    “No, no. It’s fine, I’ll talk to you later then.”


    “All right, goodnight.”


    Spencer clicked over and began talking to Ashley again.

    Jessica sat on her bed holding her closed phone in her hand. She was finally ready, but Spencer didn’t care.


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