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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the mushy [Chapter 5])

    They were connected at the lips, disconnecting every few seconds for a breath and what not. Ashley’s right hand on Spencer’s cheek, and her other hand holding her up, while Spencer’s hands wanted to touch Ashley anywhere, but she was afraid she would ruin this, but then she thought about it for a second, it was impossible to ruin this moment.
    She moved her hands behind Ashley’s head pulling her deeper into the kiss as well, as they finally let their tongues on the loose, and fight for dominance.

    They eventually felt the small breathes of oxygen between their kisses wasn’t enough for them to keep kissing without fainting. They broke the kiss, their foreheads touching each other, as they looked at each other’s eyes and lips.

    Spencer could see Ashley’s lips were puffier, and a little bruised, maybe her last boyfriend was right, she was a biter, but, in her defense, she was thinking about Ashley when she was kissing her last boyfriend.

    Spencer involuntarily bit her bottom lip, trying to taste Ashley on her lips, hoping Ashley had left some sort of taste on her lips of course. And there it was, Ashley, the most delicious thing she has tasted so far, key word, so far.

    And with that, Spencer’s cell phone rang from the other room, they broke eye contact for the first time in a while as Spencer finally broke the silence.

    “I guess I should get that” She said as she let out a sigh, not really liking the idea of getting up and leaving Ashley, even if it was just to answer her phone.

    “Do you have to?” Ashley asked as she stuck her bottom lip out, the classic Ashley pout, the one that Spencer could never once say no to.

    Spencer kissed Ashley, knowing that she could never say no to that face, which is why she kissed her, so she could go pick up her phone without having to look at that adorable face, and as fast as the kiss had started it was ended with Spencer getting up and walking away. But of course not without Ashley quickly grabbing her hand and pulling her back down to the floor, where they continued their kiss.

    Spencer once again broke the kiss again as she started getting up.

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    1. i saying yaaay! to alot of authors today and you are one of them of course juicy. i’ve been hoping for an update on your fic. i hate it when a story is left unfinished. it bugs the hell out of me. but yaaay!! again cause you’re back and as always have brought with you a awesome update.pms!!

    2. i saying yaaay! to alot of authors today and you are one of them of course juicy. i’ve been hoping for an update on your fic. i hate it when a story is left unfinished. it bugs the hell out of me. but yaaay!! again cause you’re back and as always have brought with you a awesome update.pms!!

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