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    Oh, You have no idea – (Chapter: 11 [Her Tongue])

    “Did you mean it?” She says from the bed.
    “Did I mean what?” Forgetting what she was talking about at first.

    “Did you mean…”

    “No” I cut her off, remembering what she’s talking about, before she even asks.

    “Okay, now leave” She said, as she got a tissue from her nightstand and wiped away the tears from her cheek.

    “But” I try to speak but she just cuts me off.


    “No” I say, and she looks at me surprised.

    “I am not asking you to leave, I’m telling you to” She says as she gets up and walks past me to the door. She opens the door and waves me off.

    “No” I say again, I can’t leave, I need to be with her, if just for tonight.

    “Spencer, I’m going to count to” I cut her off with my lips, my tongue dominating her mouth, and hers trying to, but failing at fighting back. I close the door with my hand and push Ashley towards the bed.

    “Take off your clothes” I say, as Ashley just lays there, her eyes dark brown.

    “No” She says as she attempts to get up, and just push her back down.

    “I wasn’t asking you, I was telling you” I say, proud of how I flipped it around.

    “Make me” She says as she growls, oh god this girl is going to be the death of me.

    I jump on top of her ripping off her shirt and pulling down her shorts, and there she is, in just a bra and panties. Black lace bra, a G-string that might as well me dental floss, especially on that ass.

    She leans on her elbows, flipping me over like nothing, and she whispers into my ear.

    “My turn” She slowly takes off my shirt, placing kissed all over my torso, except where I really want her kisses to be, and I decide to help her by taking off my bra. I start playing with my nipples, hoping she get the picture.

    “No, no, not yet Spence” She says as she pins my hands above my head, purposely missing my erect nipples, blowing on them, but it’s just not enough, I need more. I try and break free hoping to get her where I want her most, but she’s strong, real strong.

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    1. Oh shit is absolutely right! Kyla needs to remember that Spencer is not her girlfriend, but somehow I don’t think Spencer will get out of this with a minor technicality! Tomato…tomahto! PMS

    2. Oh shit is absolutely right! Kyla needs to remember that Spencer is not her girlfriend, but somehow I don’t think Spencer will get out of this with a minor technicality! Tomato…tomahto! PMS

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