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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Curiosity Only Goes So Far)

    If you were to ask me why I followed her, I honestly couldn’t tell you. Curiosity? It’s the only logical reason I can come up with. But in my self defense, it was a very practical excuse, right? I mean, who has never done something just because they were curious? No one. So that’s my story and I’ll stick to it.

    Curiosity, it’s how I ended up sitting in the passenger side of Ashley Davies car, looking out the window at the passing city lights, listening to the music that blared from Ashley’s ipod. Curiosity…

    “This is so weird,” Ashley murmured keeping her eyes focused ahead at the on coming traffic.

    “What is?” I asked even though I was pretty damn sure I knew what she was referring to. It was kind of hard not to.

    “This, you, going somewhere with you,” she emphasized the last part. “I mean, come on. I’m hanging out with kind high royalty here,” she stated sarcastically.

    “Shit happens,” I stated shrugging my shoulders like I was all wise and shit. Really, I just didn’t know how to respond.

    “Yeah, I guess it does,” Ashley mumbled.

    “Where are we going anyways?” ok maybe I should have figured this out before we left.

    “You’ll see,” she smiled.

    “You’re not going to drive me to the middle of nowhere and leave me are you?” I joked.

    “Na, waste too much gas,” she laughed, but this time her face seemed to be illuminated. The smile showed through her eyes, small dimples invisible at a distance appeared, causing her nose to crinkled slightly. It was adorable…

    “So if you’re not going to drop me off in the middle of nowhere, where are we going?” I asked again hoping for the real answer this time, but knowing, chances were, I still probably wasn’t going to get it.

    “Patience, damn,” she responded.

    “Come on,” I whined. “Just tell me it’s not some lame poetry reading session.”

    “I’ve never even been to a poetry reading session,” Ashley exclaimed throwing a hand up in the air. “Where do you even come up with that?”

    “Well you always seem to write so much.”

    “Lyrics, but they suck anyway.”

    “There’s got to be one good song,” I tried to reason with her. “Seriously you write all the fucking time.”

    “Yeah, and how would you know?” she asked in amusement glancing over at me.

    “I just see you around, and you always seem to be writing,” I rambled shifting my gaze away from her curious look for a moment, only to come back and be met by deep fathomless chocolate orbs.

    What I said was true, but maybe the only reason I saw her, though, was because I was always looking for her. But why? Curiosity only goes so far.

    “Why do you care anyways?” the brunette asked baffled . Again with all the questions. When are people going to start realizing they shouldn’t ask them? I don’t have any fucking answers people. Get with it!

    “I don’t know,” I sighed running my hand through my blond hair. “That’s probably a really good question.” Why do I care?

    “That’s why I asked it,” she laughed. “By the way,” she added with a sly smile enveloping her face”, you have very beautiful blue eyes.”

    “Thanks,” I whispered almost breathlessly.

    “Anytime,” she replied cool and confident, unlike my response, whish was so unlike me. I always keep my composure and cool. I’m the one who’s in control of the conversation. When did this change? Glancing over at her in bewilderment, she was now looking back straight ahead, but my gaze was no longer able to stay at looking out the window. I couldn’t even manage to look straight ahead. Instead, my gaze was focused on her. My eyes wandered around this girl, wondering, searching, but what? The passing head lights lit up her features. She really is beautiful…

    “So are you going to tell me then?”



    1. great update!!! i loved how ash said “you have beautiful blue eyes” i wish just once ash on the show said that to spence. she did say “this matches your eyes” when they we’re picking necklaces. man i’m rambling. sorry.great update!!!pms!!

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