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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Shadow)



    Of course by the time I got to Kyla’s, Madison was already there complaining about how Aiden wasn’t giving her enough attention, and that she wanted a boyfriend like Alex.

    “She’s been talking about him since she got here,” Kyla groaned when Madison went to the kitchen to get food.

    “Sometimes I don’t know who to feel worse for, him or us,” I joked.

    “So what do you think of the new girl on the squad?” Kyla asked changing the subject.

    “I was hoping for someone better, but I swear we have no more talent in this school,” I sighed flipping through the channels absentmindedly.

    “Yeah, so did you ditch Alex again?” what’s with her and the questions tonight?

    “Yep,” I stated hoping to avoid her questioning looks.

    “Why? Any other girl would love to date him.”

    “So I’ve heard,” I rolled my eyes. “He’s just clingy right now,” I stated like it was a faze, even though I’d been doing this for the past couple of months. I’ve actually been doing this since we started dating.

    “Is any guy not too clingy for you?”

    “I just like my space,” I sighed in defeat. I hate this topic.

    “Whatever, I’m going to go figure out where the hell Madison went,” Kyla stated getting to her feet and leaving me in her room. Shrugging, I continued to flip through the channels until I landed on law and order SVU. Just when it got to the theme song, I looked out in the hallway to see a figure go by. Normally I would just sit here and wait for them to come back, but the show had now gone to commercials and I was curious for some strange reason.

    Creeping to my feet, I walked out into the hallway, to see no one around. Glancing back into the room, I bit my lip. Taking a quick look around, I began sauntering down the hallway in the direction the shadow went. Part of me wanted to jump from wall to wall in a James bond style, pretending to hold a gun while I snuck up on my enemies, but I held back my urge and decided to just walk like a normal person.

    Music grew louder as my steps came closer to its origin. I should have known where I was going, and who I was following, but I continued anyways. Instead of being sensible and turning around to go back, I went towards a disaster, a disaster I should have adverted. But I didn’t.

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