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    Forever and Ever.

                    As soon as the doctor came in I knew what he would say. Her parents stood up but I just put my head down on my drawn up knees, letting a soft whimper escape before my mind wandered back to about a year before.


                    “Ashley, I have to tell you something.” I turned at the sound of Spencer’s voice. We’d become best friends gradually over the last month. I didn’t have too many friends so it kind of shocked me when I clicked so easily with the blonde. Of course, I was also in love with her. I couldn’t help it. Anyone would fall for her. She was gorgeous, with thick blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a smile that could stop traffic; and don’t even get me started on her body. In short, she’s a goddess in human form. She’s smart, funny, adorkable, and – “I’m dying.” I dropped the plate I was holding and let out a muffled laugh.

                    “That isn’t funny Spencer.” She bit her lip and looked down, something she always did when she was upset. “Tell me you are joking?”

                    “Ashley.” She whispered, taking a step forward. I felt my chest contract and I reached backwards, leaning on the counter for support.

                    “What – how…”

                    “I have a really rare form of cancer. There are five small tumors in my brain. By the time they got big enough to see it was too late. I could try surgery but there’s only a ten percent chance of survival and we decided that it will be best to just let me go naturally. That way I can enjoy my time here without having to worry about therapies and being at the hospital constantly.” I could barely breathe, and I knew my heart was slowly breaking. This beautiful, perfect girl was being taken from me.

                    “How long…”

                    “They gave me about a year. A year and a half if I’m lucky.” She sounded so mechanical, so unlike her. I didn’t know what to do. I felt like my world was crashing and she was just standing there like it was okay.

                    “Why didn’t you tell me?”

                    “I couldn’t find a way. It’s… hard to talk about.” I nodded and looked down at my shoes. I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach repeatedly. I kept telling myself that it was some sick joke.

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