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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: All Around Me)

    The weird thing was, when I went home that night I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Laying in my bed, I watched the fan overhead cast shadows on the wall. The light that the moon shined in dripped down the walls, like thoughts slid down my mind. I wanted to know what she was writing. And no matter how hard I tried to get my mind off of it, I couldn’t. I spent half of the night just tossing and turning, replaying the conversation over and over again in my head.

    When I did finally close my eyes, I think I fucking dreamt about her. Have you ever woken up and just thought what the hell? Like your dream confused you. Whether it was a random dream or a messed up dream, it just made you question your sanity for a moment. I mean, why would I be dreaming about King Highs outcast? But I just shook it off, put on my composure, and got ready for school. It’s not like it’s important. I mean, it was just a dream right?

    School was as hectic as normal. Teachers, tests, Alex, friends, everything had to be managed carefully. You had to know when to push and when to ease on the brakes. Everything about high school seemed fragile. Being popular is a lot harder than it looks.

    I thought lunch would be somewhat relaxing, but that was before I got the million questions that I don’t have answers to…

    “So Aiden is totally being an ass,” Madison droned on in her own little world. Turning to Kyla, I made the shape of a gun with my fingers, and pretended to shoot it at my head, pretending my brain splatter out the other side. Ok it’s a little gruesome, but if I have to listen to her for another minute I’m going to scream.

    “Are you listening to me?” Madison asked finally realizing we weren’t really paying attention to her.

    “Yep, Aiden, ass, got it,” I summarized everything she’d been going on about in a few short words.

    “Well, he is,” she protested throwing up her hands.

    “I know Madison. You’ve already told me this,” I grumbled running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

    “Ok, well it’s not like you have anything better to say. I mean, you can’t even talk about Alex because you never hang out with him,” she replied aggravated.

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