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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 6)

    Spencer laid still in her bed stuck there for the past 12 hours since Ashley had kissed her and still the moment replayed in her head over and over again. Tyler knocked on the door before coming in.

    “Geez, what’s got you like this?”


    “Mmm…I haven’t heard of them? Do I know them?”

    “Your sarcasm is so not helping.” Spencer moaned from under her blankets.

    “My bad. Really though, what happened last night?” Tyler asked as he took a seat on the edge of her bed. “I haven’t seen you like this, since like, when you didn’t get an A on your final paper.”

    “Your helping so much. Thanks, Ty, really.”

    “What’s the deal?”

    “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

    “I’m not gonna take that. Come on let’s go.” Tyler demanded pulling off the covers. Spencer immediately curled into a ball in her tank top and booty shorts.

    “What are you doing to me!”

    “You need to get out of bed and stop sulking. Come out with me. I miss the old Spencer.”

    “I didn’t go anywhere.” She mumbled in reply. She grabbed the blanket from his hand and snuggled back into her bed.

    “I’m giving you 5 seconds to get out of bed.”



    “I’m not getting out.”

    “3…4…You better get out of bed before I grab you.”

    “Oh hell no.”

    “4 ½ ….4 ¾….”

    “Okay fine fine.” Spencer grunted swinging her body to the edge of the bed and stood up. “Happy?”

    “Somewhat. I’m giving you 10 minutes to get ready. Hurry up.”

    Tyler you are such a-”

    “Great friend? I know.” Tyler smiled.

    Spencer glared at him before leaving the room. Tyler smiled She’s back….

    “Here, you have to drink something.” Tyler said handing Spencer a cup of coffee. She grabbed the cup and took a sip. “So tell me, what happened?”

    “I’m not in the mood.”

    “C’mon, Spence.”

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