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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 10)

    Ashley stopped infront of Spencer’s college class and waited there. Ashley sat on the bench next to the college room and pulled out her cellphone. She began to entertain herself by flipping through the games. A loud voice came from Spencer’s class and startled her.

    “Okay class, remember you have a paper due next week. I hope you guys at least started doing it. All right, class ended.” The teacher called out to the class.

    A rush of college students exited the room and then came Spencer close to the last few people to come out.

    “Do you want to come back to my place? Or do you have to start that paper?” Ashley asked pulling the books away from Spencer’s arm.

    “Thanks. I actually do have to start it, but I want to be with you more.” Spencer smiled.


    Spencer laughed at her failure of speaking Spanish.

    Ashley pulled to the curb infront of the sorority house and jumped out of the car. She walked with Spencer to the front door and opened it.

    “Ashley there’s-”

    “Yeah, yeah, tell me later.” Ashley said cutting her off. She made her way up the stairs as Spencer trailed slowly behind her.

    She headed towards her door and opened it. She turned on the light and gasped.


    “Ashley, I’m so sorry for leaving you.”

    “Audrey?” Spencer said confused and she walked up next to Ashley and looked at the girl who sat on her friends bed. Spencer looked Audrey up and down. She wore a black sweater, dirty chucks, and had a backwards cap on. She really did have a different style from her.

    “Aud, you really need to get out, I’m not getting into this.” Ashley said anxiously walking up to her and grabbed her lightly.

    “Who is this girl, Ash. We only just broke up 2-3 months ago and you already fucking another girl.”

    “I am not fucking her.”

    “Yeah right, I knew you would go back to your old ways.” Audrey slurred.

    “Your old ways?” Spencer questioned.

    “Stay out of this, Spencer.”

    “There she goes again, disrespecting her new girlfriend. This was exactly what happened between us and Stacy.”

    “You’re the best friend?” Spencer asked looking at Audrey. “This totally makes sense now.”

    “Audrey, please, just leave. I can’t do this anymore.”

    “What, Ash your just gonna push me away like that. Fine, just remember you were the one calling after me when I left. You wanted me still, just like you still do.” Audrey shot back. She began to walk towards the door but stopped at Spencer, “She’s just using you so she can get me off her mind.” Audrey whispered into her ear and walked out.

    “Spencer, let me explain.”

    “I guess I don’t really know who you are.”

    “Please, just don’t let her get to you. She has the effect on people.”

    “Ashley, you really need to get your head on straight before you start something with someone else.”

    “Spence, trust me it’s over with Audrey. I like you now.”

    “You like me? Ashley, I am falling for you, I’m starting to love you. But you just like me…I can’t, I just can’t anymore.”

    “Spencer, c’mon. Stay with me, please!”


    1. Why would Spencer immediately believe someone she doesn’t know from Sam? Has Ashley given her any indication that she would hurt? No. Plus she went to Ashley, Ashley wasn’t begging for her to come around to her senses.

    2. Jezze all the fans i’ve been reading so far are starting to get worse, make it better! Hopefully Spencer listens to Ash, if she really loves her she will, right? Pms =]P.S. YOU GO!! That’s Awesome that the girl you like, likes you back! Woo!

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