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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Forty)

    The group had been on touring for six months now. There was only three more months to go. Every stadium Ashley played was sold out and every city she stepped foot in loved her. The brunette was once again the Princess of Rock and she couldn’t be happier.

    Spencer had to admit though, getting used to bouncing from city to city only on little hours of sleep was harder than she expected it was going to be. Anytime she let a little yawn slip at the band’s rehearsal Ashley would give her this guilty, remorseful look. The blonde had to constantly remind her fiancée she wanted to be there and that was the truth. She wanted to be there.

    Back in New York Carol would call everyday giving them a report of what was going on at home and with Kyla. There was still no change in the small brunette’s condition but everyone still remained hopeful.


    Everyone slept peacefully in their respective bunks of the tour bus as it bounded down the highway headed for the next city.

    Spencer lay on her side staring at her slumbering partner. She smiled when the rocker let out a tiny snore and wiggled her nose like a baby rabbit. The blonde began to ponder about life. Everything for the past month seemed to be going all too well. It felt almost abnormal to have absolutely no drama thrown in their direction.

    “Stop staring at me,” Ashley murmured gaining Spencer’s attention.

    The blonde blushed, “How did you know I was looking at you,” she whispered.

    The rocker opened her eyes and gave her fiancée a smug look, “I have special powers.”

    “Really,” Spencer indulged her.

    “Yeah,” Ashley continued. “That and I’ve been awake for the past two minutes.”

    “Why didn’t you say anything,” the blonde chuckled.

    “I don’t know,” the rocker shrugged tugging Spencer closer. “You looked all thoughtful. I didn’t want to disturb you. So, what’s going on in that head of yours?”

    “Nothing much,” Spencer replied snuggling into the brunette’s arms. “I was just thinking about how everything is going so … smoothly. I mean besides Kyla … there’s no … drama.”

    “Careful Spence,” Ashley teased. “You might jinx us.”

    “I’m being serious Ash,” Spencer replied.

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    1. and crazy bitch strikes! was waiting for something like this to happen. hopefully ash is haulin’ ass over to the bus, preferably with back up. and as a sidenote, I think spence kind of over reacted to the whole kids thing. ash is right, they haven’t even tied the knot yet, they have plenty of time. think spence just took it too personally. excellent update, pms please!

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