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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Eight)

    Of course, first hour I sat down just to be called down to the office. But like always, I was pretty confident in myself to talk myself out of anything.

    “Ashley,” the principal eyed me suspiciously as I came into the office.

    “Roy,” I greeted him smiling pleasantly. Yeah, we were already on a first name basis.

    “So I heard about your stunt with the girls locker room,” he stated knowing it was me. “Pretty brave for someone that has a lot at stake.”

    “I just got the times mixed up,” I shook my head trying to look somewhat sorry. “I forgot all about the cheerleaders.” Yeah, what was he going to do? I didn’t get into a fight, vandalize school property, cut class, yell at one of the teachers. All I did was set up a scavenger hunt that had a few holes in it.

    “Madison thinks you planned this.” Oh yeah, he was a cheerleading fan. I’m sure he loves watching them do their routine in their short skirts and skimpy tops, the pervert.

    “No offense Roy, but Madison is exactly the poster child for honesty here,” I smirked leaning back in my chair. I was once told I should become a lawyer, but what’s the fun in defending other people? Hell no, I’ll use my talents for myself.

    “You aren’t exactly either,” he replied his face turning that shade of purple again. Someday I was going to have to ask him how it turned that shade.

    “Yes, I admit I’m not the most honest person. But two wrongs don’t make a right Roy.” God I love this. Out of all the shit I’ve pulled, I’ve only been in actual trouble very very few times.

    “Why would Madison make something like this up?” he seemed upset that I just didn’t confess, but unless they have witnesses with an IQ higher than fifty, then there’s not need for confession.

    “I don’t know. Personally I’m hurt. She’s at the top of the school, and I’m just sitting on the bottom Roy,” I faked like I was trying to win an Oscar. Oh yeah, I could totally get best performance with this shit.

    “Ashley,” he just looked at confused on what to do next. “One more accusation and there’s going to be some serious investigation,” he warned me.

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