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    I want to draw you a floor plan of my head and heart….

    Her slender fingers travel the length of my side, skimming over flushed skin and jolting hip bones, her mouth still latched to my pulse point so that every time she mumbles words of love and pleasure they echo throughout my entire being, searing a ever lasting print that ruins me for all others.
    I feel those experienced fingers pad across my arm and slowly wrap around my own completely inadequate digits.

    I want to give you directions, helpful hints….

    Steadily she begins to move our hands together, moving so freely, gently guiding my own shaking hand down until we both feel slick, hot wetness coat our fingertips, a low growl resonates from her throat, vibrating through me, and again heightening every sensation to boiling point….she is burning her experience into me.

    I know I’ll hold these thoughts in my heart forever…

    She pushes slightly on my still shaking hand, slowly guiding my own digit inside me, and it feels so much like her.
    A low moan erupts from my throat and I hear her growl in response. Still over these noises of lust and want, I hear the blood rushing in my ears and my heart thumping against my ribcage as loud as ever, so loud I am sure she must hear it too.

    All eyes are on me now….

    I am in the height of lust and excitement when I feel her body move, leaving my once searing hot skin feeling surprisingly cold.
    Before I can contemplate these sharp changes, delicate fingers tilt my chin up and I am greeted by dark lust filled eyes but there is a glimmer there….something I have never seen before, something which like the rest of Ashley is completely unique and it holds my gaze while my finger continues it’s assault on my body.

    I want your lungs to stop working without me….

    Suddenly I feel her slender fingers press on my hand again, adding another digit to the slick heat and my world crumbles around me.
    I give up control and scream out my confession of love as waves of white hot pleasure crash over me, washing away the once frightened and timid Spencer and replacing her with someone so completely different that it baffles me and renders me breathless and gasping.

    I shouldn’t go but I can’t really help it ,
    When I feel this pressure….

    Eventually the waves reseed and I feel myself held tightly against Ashley’s small frame as she whispers tender words that were only ever meant for my ears, once again burning her love into me.
    The quiet air is broken when Ashley’s husky voice timidly asks “ You ok?”
    All I can do is nod and smile to the best of my ability as I drift off to the dream world that Ashley and I have created for ourselves, with the tiny brunette still wrapped around me.

    What you’ll be looking for…

    In the form of this tiny,feisty brunette i’ve found exactly what i’ve been looking for.


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