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    Face Down – (Chapter: 8)

                I kissed her softly. “You’re welcome,” I smiled. “We better hurry up and get ready or we’re gonna be late. I call dibs on the shower!”

                I got up and ran to the bathroom. Spencer chased after me. “No fair!” she shouted. “Cheater!”

                I locked the bathroom door behind me. “Yes but you love me anyway,” I said through the door.



                It has been a couple weeks since the night Spencer was officially kicked out of her house. She’s been living with me and Kyla. My mom doesn’t care. She’s never home. We went back to Spencer’s to get all of her stuff. That was a fun trip. At least her mom wasn’t home. I would have killed her. But that’s beside the point. Spence and I are doing great. She’s making me go to school. It’s not so bad I guess.

                We were sitting in the quad at lunch. Aiden walked over and sat with us. “What are my two favorite ladies up to this evening?” he asked.

                I looked at Spencer who shrugged. “I don’t know,” I said. “Probably nothing.”

                “Oh come on,” he said. “It’s Friday night. You have to do something.”

                “What did you have in mind?” I asked.

                “Grey,” He said.

                I looked over at Spencer. “What do you think?” I asked her.

                “Sounds fine,” she said.

                “We’ll be there,” I said. “You should talk to Kyla. She’d probably want to go with you.”

                “I might do that,” he smiled getting up from the table. “See you guys around 8.”

                He walked off to find Kyla. The bell rang and we got up to go to class. “Do you really wanna go to Grey tonight?” I asked. “We don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

                “I want to,” Spencer smiled. “It’s been a while since we’ve gone. We can celebrate me getting away from my mom.”

                “Finally,” I laughed. We stopped in front of her classroom. I kissed her softly. “See you later.”

                “Bye,” she said walking into class. I left to go to my own class.

                After school, Spencer was waiting at my locker for me. I walked up and smiled when I saw her standing there. “Hey you,” I said opening my locker.

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