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    All Alone – (Chapter: Suprise visitor)

    Silence. It took her by surprise. God what did i expect. Did I really expect her to look happy and say it back? She wouldn’t even look at me. God she was disgusted, but what else did I expect to see. This was a mistake. I’m a mistake. I’m never even going to back our friendship now. I really screwed this one up, so I did the only thing I could. I ran.

    She didn’t come after me this time, and just like before I can’t blame her. Always saying this I shouldn’t, it’s no wonder I’m an outcast. Darkness eventually crept up until it was pitch black. My pace broke from the sprint into a jog and then finally a walk. I was tempted to go walking through some random alleys. Being dead would solve everything. It’s like the ultimate cure for this disease I must be carrying. It’s probably contagious and that’s why I can’t seem to keep anyone around. I can’t keep my mother around, my dad around, my brother around, I can’t even keep my best friend around. I’m so alone. Who was I trying to kid? She loves Aiden. I’m just her community service project. The cities lights lit up the streets. Cars passed, and I envied everyone of them. They all seemed to have some sort of destination. I’m just lost. It’s all so confusing. I’m still just trying to process that fact that I’m gay, and in love with my best friend. I wandered around in circles until I finally ended up right back where I started, in my bathroom. Sighing, I washed my face and slid underneath my covers, starting to feel the after effects of my earlier events, haunted with a pounding headache.

    My damn alarm was going off again. I swear I’m going to find a hammer and enjoy smashing it some day very soon in the future. I managed to stretch out and shut it off. Whatever I’m skipping today I mentally told myself, before noticing the presence of somebody else next to me. I looked over to see Ashley sound asleep, her arm draped around my waist protectively. I felt relieved and confused at the same time. Would she kill me if I didn’t wake her up for school, and just went back to sleep?

    “Lets skip today.” I looked over my shoulder to see Ashley awake, rubbing her eyes with one hand and my stomach with the other. Oh god I was feeling last night.

    “Are you sure?” I asked.

    “Yeah, lets just go back to sleep.” she insisted. Not wanting to ruin a good thing, I snuggled into her. She used both her arms to pull me back into her, sharing her body heat with me.
















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