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    All Alone – (Chapter: Perfection can sometimes hurt)

    Amazingly enough and much to my surprise, we spent the entire day together. I made her breakfast; ok I made her cereal and toast. But my parents usually just leave me money to order out. The only thing I can really make using a stove is roman noodles and mac % cheese. But I’m not complaining. Whoever invented mac & cheese knew what they were doing. Deep in thought, I look up to see she was smiling at me. Of course like always I couldn’t help but melt. This girl has so much power over me. I Spencer Carlin keep falling for this girl more and more everyday. And no matter how much it may hurt, part of me is enjoying every second of it. She insisted that we get out of the house and spend the day at the beach. I can’t even remember the last place I’ve been besides home and school, not including last night. The sun was so bright. I couldn’t decide if that was good or bad. God I sound so emo. Walking from the car down to the beach she slid her free hand into mine, intertwining our fingers. This made me smile. I can honestly say that this is the most I’ve smiled in weeks. It almost feels like I forgot, and now it’s some what of an awkward, foreign expression to me. She avoided all serious conversations, avoided eye contact with all the guys that were checking out my girl, and anything remotely close to involving Aiden. Ash was so sweet to me, and she looked perfect. Every inch of skin was perfectly tanned, her body showing off hours spent in the gym, she is perfect. I on the other hand was pale, sitting in a baggy sweat shirt sweating like hell, and far from anything remotely close to perfect. She dragged me into the water, sweatshirt and all. I didn’t think it was possible, but I love Ashley Davies more and more. It was making my heart beat and break and the same time. After hours spent in the sun, we pulled up to my drive way.

    “I’m really glad you came with me today,” Ashley stated looking me in the eye.

    “Me too, I’ve really missed this,” Oh god I’m on the verge of tears. She pulled me into a hug. I love the way she smells. I can’t even describe it, but once again it’s just perfect. She pulled away tilting her head and smiling at me. Of course I blushed. Opening the car door I stepped out and started to walk towards my house.

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