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    All Alone – (Chapter: Hold on)

    Ashley pov

    If I could explain this feeling I would, but I can’t…. I took me a second to even process what I was hearing. The love of my life just left me a message letting me know that she was going to kill herself. Something deep inside of me snapped at that moment. If I can’t save her, I don’t know what I’ll do…

    I don’t remember driving, or how many cars I passed. The only thing I could think about was finding Spencer. Oh god don’t let her be dead, don’t let her be dead. By the time I pulled up to the Carlin residence I was a mess. Mascara ran down my cheeks, and my emotions were running on overdrive, impulses screaming at me to run. My heart told me if she died I would too. If I couldn’t prevent this, if I couldn’t save her, if I couldn’t convince her that living is worth it, if she ended it, she would be taking my heart with her. I flew into the house reaching Spencer’s room I turned the knob…

    She wasn’t there… Think Ashley, think! Where else would she go? Where the hell is she? I gripped my head trying to shake out the answer. Falling over I sobbed into her comforter. Where is my baby? No matter how much I ever thought this would ever hurt, it hurt a million times worse. It’s like someone intensified my emotions directing everything at my heart, clouding my thoughts, and bringing my heart beat to my head. When I thought I couldn’t break anymore, I felt another wave of pain shoot through my body. Is this how Spencer felt all the time? I couldn’t take it anymore. Standing up I went out to my car and decided I’d drive around until I found her. Even though I knew it was pointless, I dialed her number just for it to go straight to voice mail.

    “Fuck!” I cursed throwing the phone into the passenger seat. Think Ashley where is she? I did circles around the neighbor hood, searching the streets and the parks until it finally hit me. I knew where she was.

    The waves rolled in crashing on shore. There were no stars out tonight. The air that rolled in cold and heartless. Relentlessly it hit against my skin again and again breaking down my defenses, taunting me in my search. My feet kicked up dirt as I sprinted. God don’t let me be too late, I silently prayed. Tears flowed freely down my face, emphasizing the drastic emotions I was feeling. It was like being eaten alive. The pier was moments away, our spot was moments away. Light from the moon barley showed through the clouds, but the closer I got the larger a figure grew. The sobs grew louder, cutting through the darkness. But I couldn’t tell if they were mine or hers. For a moment I think my heart stopped beating. My pulse seemed to die as the suspension grew. But I tried drastically to reach out for her, to tell her to hold on for a few more seconds.

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    1. ash made it just in the nix of time thank goodness hopefully ash can still get thru to spence cuz one slip up and she’ll be right back up on that beach…pms

    2. that was .. wow. awesome AWESOME job!! ashley was there to save the day. you are an awesome writer. (= seriously. wow. amazing job. can’t wait for more! PMASAP!~

    3. ash made it just in the nix of time thank goodness hopefully ash can still get thru to spence cuz one slip up and she’ll be right back up on that beach…pms

    4. that was .. wow. awesome AWESOME job!! ashley was there to save the day. you are an awesome writer. (= seriously. wow. amazing job. can’t wait for more! PMASAP!~

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