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    All Alone – (Chapter: The Day After)

    My hand ran up and down her arm, finally running through her fingers. Lacing my fingers with hers, we walked into the school building hand in hand. I could tell she was nervous from every hesitant glance, the uncertainty in her eyes, and she’d squeeze my hand unconsciously. I didn’t mine, and I never will. When I woke up this morning she was sleeping peacefully in my arms. Her breathing was even. The only reason I didn’t want to let her skip today, was because I knew she was way behind. She wasn’t flunking out if I could help it. Shaking the sleeping beauty, her tired eyes flickered open greeting mine. With a smile so big, it took her a second to even realize where she was and what happened. The smile died. That’s something I was going to have to work on. Never once did she say anything about last night. She barley said anything at all. The whole way here she clung to me, almost afraid that I was going to leave her again. Now here we stand in the hallways, watching teenagers flood by. After last night, this place almost seems different…

    “Hey baby,” I said softly. “I got to go to class, but I’ll meet you at lunch, ok?” She just shook her head, her eyes never leaving the pavement. After a few seconds of staring at her and biting my lip, I wrapped her into a hug. “Be good.” She just sighed and walked off in the other direction. It took me a few seconds to even realize I was watching her walk away. Is it sad that her just walking to class hurts my heart in some sort of indescribable way? Since when can’t I not be around her for more than three seconds? Letting go of the thought, I wandered towards my first hour. I swear if the teacher expects me to comprehend anything about ionic radii today, I’m going to go insane.

    Four class periods later and a headache that would even have a elephant crying, I shuffled towards the lunch room the most excited I’ve been all day. There she sat at our table looking so lonely. Well not if I could change that.

    I practically ran over there plopping down so close our bodies were pressed into each other.

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    1. oh my gosh. that was SO good. awesome update. i like it when aiden is a good guy. loL! that was amazing though. cant wait till spencer and ashley’s date. (= great job!! PMASAP!! i LOVE this story!!

    2. oh my gosh. that was SO good. awesome update. i like it when aiden is a good guy. loL! that was amazing though. cant wait till spencer and ashley’s date. (= great job!! PMASAP!! i LOVE this story!!

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