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    All Alone – (Chapter: It’s ending in tragedy)

    After Spencer showed up at the car I drove her home, giving her a peck on the cheek before she left. Of course there was no cars in the drive way. She was always alone.

    “I’ll be back in an hour,” I restated reassuringly hoping she could stand being alone for an hour.

    “Ok,” she replied sighing and walking into the dark household. As soon as she opened the door and stepped in side, I immediately regretted leaving her alone. It scared me to let her go to class today. But now she is in a house with no supervision where she could easily find something else to hurt herself with. After last night I brought the gun home with me, and I hid it planning on getting rid of it for good real soon. Sighing I gave up and pulled away.

    Jumping out of the shower, I brushed my teeth attempting to pull myself together. Pulling out cloths, they piled up to the point where I could sled down my mini mountain. Finally I put on a skirt that hugged closely to my hips, but not too close to the point where it showed exactly what was under it. I found a shirt, and finished my make up and hair. By the time I looked at the clock I had just enough time to get to Spencer’s house. Quickly I ran out the door grabbing my purse and car keys. Tonight was going to be perfect.

    When I pulled up to Spencer’s house I couldn’t help but have a bad feeling. Twenty four hours ago I had been here looking for Spencer. Twenty four hours ago she almost killed herself. Shaking the thought out of my head, I walked inside. All my thoughts were washed away when she walked down the stairs. Her beautiful blond hair was straightened shaping her face. This is the first time in months I’ve even seen her with make up or without track pants or jeans. She looked beautiful.

    “Hey beautiful,” I greeted her earning a smile.

    “Hey,” she replied looking nervous.

    “You look gorgeous Spence,” I stated. She blushed in response. When she got to the bottom of the steps I wrapped her hand in mine.

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    1. wtf is her dad doing there? that was SOO good. awesome job! this story is amazing. i LOVE it a whole lot!! and now im anxious to know what happens next! loL! PMASAP!!

    2. wtf is her dad doing there? that was SOO good. awesome job! this story is amazing. i LOVE it a whole lot!! and now im anxious to know what happens next! loL! PMASAP!!

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