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    All Alone – (Chapter: The most twisted form of pleasure)

    Instinctively I froze. I started feeling pain in my lungs from holding this breath. Fear was spreading across me. Look over at Ashley I could tell she was confused. This was going to hurt…

    Taking a deep breath, I opened my door and got out. Ashley immediately got out probably trying to figure out why I seemed so afraid.

    “Maybe you should stay here,” I stated falling into a trance. Desperately trying hard to fall into a mode where everything was numb. A numbness that would sink to my heart.

    “I’m coming with you,” she insisted. “You don’t have a choice.”

    “Ash you don’t understand,” I murmured trying to make her comprehend the gravity of the situation. I didn’t want her to be there. Deep down I had a bad feeling that something was going to go wrong. If she got hurt, I would never forgive myself.

    “Then explain it to me Spence.”

    “Please Ashley,” I pleaded with her.

    “Spencer…” she sighed not fully understand why the hell I was shutting her out again. I know it hurt her, but sometimes you have to hurt someone in order to save them from more pain.

    “I promise I’ll call you in a little bit Ash I swear,” I bargained.

    “You better,” she sighed giving up and giving me a hug goodbye.

    “Bye Ash.” It was like walking to your death. Every step, every breath felt like it was going to be my last. Exhaling, I turned the knob and went inside.

    It was a matter of seconds before my dad was standing in front of me.

    “Where have you been?” he demanded.

    “Why do you care?” I asked hesitantly. “You moved out.”

    “That doesn’t mean you can go rampaging around all night. You’re mother didn’t even know where you were.”

    “Sorry,” I whispered trying to avoid all confrontation as possible.

    “You really are a sad excuse for a daughter.”

    “It goes both ways DAD,” I emphasized the last word getting angry.

    “Glen says you’re even gay. You really are disgusting.”

    “Then maybe you should just leave,” I reply.

    “Well I have news for you,” he stated sounding high and mighty. “The divorce is off. I’m moving back in.”

    “Great can I leave now?” I asked getting sick of this conversation. Hell I was even sick of looking at him.

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    1. Okay so this update really hurt. It broke my heart. Just as Spencer finds a little happiness everything goes to hell again. I really hope things work out. You’re doing great on this story. PMS!!!

    2. spence was getting better and arthur and paula had to do this, she doesn’t need to be sent away and for sure not be beat up she was going to kill her self and this is just pushing her towards that again right when ash was pulling her away from it pms

    3. holy shit. damn. that was SO good. awesome update. it totally broke my heart that that happened to her. her happiness torn away. everything was going well for her for once. what a crock! again. wicked awesome update!! PMASAP!

    4. OMFG man spence gets some happiness and her dad goes and messes it up for i hope spence is okay she needs to leave her house and move in with ash or something. at least to a place where she’s loved.great update!pms!!

    5. Okay so this update really hurt. It broke my heart. Just as Spencer finds a little happiness everything goes to hell again. I really hope things work out. You’re doing great on this story. PMS!!!

    6. spence was getting better and arthur and paula had to do this, she doesn’t need to be sent away and for sure not be beat up she was going to kill her self and this is just pushing her towards that again right when ash was pulling her away from it pms

    7. holy shit. damn. that was SO good. awesome update. it totally broke my heart that that happened to her. her happiness torn away. everything was going well for her for once. what a crock! again. wicked awesome update!! PMASAP!

    8. OMFG man spence gets some happiness and her dad goes and messes it up for i hope spence is okay she needs to leave her house and move in with ash or something. at least to a place where she’s loved.great update!pms!!

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