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    All Alone – (Chapter: Energy Drinks)

    I don’t know what Kyla was on the next day, but she woke us up bright and early. Ok, she woke us up at ten, but anytime before noon is bright and early for me.

    Stretching my arms over my head, I unwillingly got ready as Kyla mindlessly chattered away about something. What was she talking about? Spencer looked at Kyla confused. It was almost like for Kyla time had slowed down, and for us it sped up. So I continued to watch her dance around us all morning as I threw myself together.

    Once we were out the door we got into the car and drove off, but I made sure to give the car a very resented look before getting in it. My ass still hurts. It seemed to apologize, but I just told it to go fuck itself. I must have said it out loud, because they both stopped and looked at me confused. Yeah, Kyla looked at me confused. Where is the justification in that?

    Whatever the fuck she was on, she wanted more. So we stopped at a gas station, and she went and bought energy drinks. I just shook my head as I watched Spencer climb out of the car and follow her.

    “You two are going to kill me,” I muttered under my breath. I’ve only ever seen Spencer hyper once, and let me tell you this that child is the definition of hyper. I swear to god she ran up fricken walls when was on that stuff. She literally ran into one. It was scary and amusing at the same time.

    About an hour later after Kyla finished off three full throttles and a red bull and Spencer managed to chug two amps, an espresso, a red bull, and a rock star, this is all I heard…

    “Oh my god Spencer you’re pants are so fricken adorable. And you’re shoes, and you’re coat, and look at what they’re doing to the rainforest. It’s horrible. Like who decided lets chop it down. Come on people think,” she was talking so fast I didn’t even grasp or have time to translate half of what she said.

    “I know like oh my god this is such good stuff. How do you like Baltimore? Does you’re mom watch Oprah, she’s my inspiration for life. Ok so that’s a lie, but she should be just like Mother Teresa. But I don’t think Charles Manson would be a good role model. KYLA, look at the ants.”

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    1. dude! that was awesome. hyper spencer and kyla are HILARIOUS!! (= kept me laughing the ENTIRE time!! loL! great job! PMASAP!! this story is SO SO good!!

    2. dude! that was awesome. hyper spencer and kyla are HILARIOUS!! (= kept me laughing the ENTIRE time!! loL! great job! PMASAP!! this story is SO SO good!!

    3. omg is right they were all over the place i feel for ashley that must have been a headache but that was funny that she ended up on the floor cuz she can’t sleep with spencer…pms

    4. omg is right they were all over the place i feel for ashley that must have been a headache but that was funny that she ended up on the floor cuz she can’t sleep with spencer…pms

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