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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: A Piece of the Puzzle)

    Ashley just looked at me speechless. So I took another deep breath and prepared to fill in the gaps.

    “Alyssa used to be my best friend. But to me it was always more than that. I never told her I had feelings for her, but I could tell she kind of knew.”

    Yeah she always knew. And she used it to her advantage.

    “We were at a party one night and she kept hitting on me. She’d whisper in my ear that she loved me.” Closing my eyes, I could still feel her warm breath run across my ear. The sensation that she brought when she was around me, but it’s different now. I feel that same reaction every time I’m around Ashley. I just wish I could erase my past.

    “By the end of the night we were back at my house…” I didn’t know if I was going to be able to get this out. “We, we slept together and when I woke up the next morning she was gone. She never mentioned it again. At the next party she was on some random guy. I watched them leave together…” I could feel the memory tear at my heart the same way it did then.

    I watched her walk out of the party with him. I watched his hand snake around her waist. But I just gritted my teeth and continued watching. Every time she’d look in my direction she’d put on a cheeky smile. Never once did I look away. I just sat there with my bottle and watched it all unfold. She knew I’d do anything for her. I’d even wait for her. I always will…

    But that was another life time ago. Another time.

    “It’s over now,” I tried to assure Ashley. I could see Ashley thinking. We sat there for a moment in silence until she finally spoke up.

    “Do you still love her?” Do I still love her? No.“No,” and for once it was the truth.

    “Then I don’t care,” she sighed. She just took another swig from the bottle and set it down. “I better get home,” she stated getting up and giving me a quick kiss before walking to the door. “I’ll see you at school.” She was gone. And I was left with my thoughts. She had a piece of the puzzle, i just hoped she wouldn’t be able to put it all together.

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    1. It was good to find out a little more about what happened in Spencer’s past. I can’t wait to read what happens next with Spencer and Ashley. PMASAP.

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