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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Aiden needs to get a clue)

    When I showed up today I was energetic and as happy as ever. Ashley and Kyla were a little confused by my enormous bipolar mood swing over the course of one night, but they were delighted to see I was happy.

    I woke up, but not my alarm but my phone again. “Damn,” I muttered searching for it. “Hello,” I answered after managing to find it.

    “Hey Spencer it’s Glen,” Glen stated. I sat up immediately.

    “Hey Glen,” I replied my voice cracking from just waking up.

    “Sorry about calling you so early, but I found out last night and I tried calling you, but you must have already been asleep,” he apologized. I mentally kicked myself for crashing so early, and for not studying for my History test I had today.

    “No problem, so what the word?” I asked very anxious for whatever news I was about to receive. It felt like time stopped, because it felt like an eternity before he answered my question.

    “He actually thought that’d be a good idea, and he says Clay could pick you up at the airport on Friday. He even bought you a ticket,” Glen answered. I exploded inside. Yes, I couldn’t believe I was going to see my family again. Wow, two weeks ago I would have never thought I’d be saying that, but I missed the functional family we used to be.

    “Okay, sounds good,” I replied trying to suppress my ecstatic outbreak until we hung up.

    “I let you go back to sleep then,” he told me.

    “See you Friday then,” I responded.

    “See you,” he said and hung up. As soon as I was sure he hung up I let out a cry, “Yes!” I found myself doing a little dance around my room. “Oh yeah my family doesn’t hate my guts I,” I sang to myself. I stopped needing air. Wow, I was incredibly out of shape. During my pants for air, my alarm clock went off. So much for getting anymore sleep. I decided I done enough dancing and decided to get ready for school, telling myself tomorrow I’d be seeing my family on good terms. It’s true what they say, you don’t know what you got till it’s gone. By the time I got to school it finally occurred to me that this weekend could go wrong. What if there still not over it? What if I screw up again? You’re suppose to forgive and forget, but I doubt they’ve forgiven, and they sure as hell haven’t forgotten. “Stupid cursed blessing,” I muttered to myself.

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    1. I wonder what’s going to happen when Spencer goes back to Ohio. Aiden does need to get a clue since Spencer has no interest in him or any other guys. I’m going to ready the next update.

    2. I wonder what’s going to happen when Spencer goes back to Ohio. Aiden does need to get a clue since Spencer has no interest in him or any other guys. I’m going to ready the next update.

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