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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Is What You See What You Get?)

    “Ouch,” I grumbled. I sat up to feel sunlight hit my eyelids. One good thing about having a room with a shade is it blocks out all this sunlight in the morning, making sleeping in a lot easier. When I finally rubbed most of the sleep out of my eyes, I stood up and made my way down to the kitchen. “Ah,” I screamed rubbing my now stubbed toe. “Just my luck,” I mumbled under my breath. “Stupid dresser thanks a lot.” I grumbled the whole way down to the kitchen about the dresser.

    “Morning sunshine,” Glen stated before messing up my hair.

    “Glen do not test me,” I warned him.

    “Some ones not a morning person,” he stated cheekily.

    “Some one is about to not be around for another morning if he doesn’t shut up,” I threatened jokingly.

    “Have you not seen these amazing muscles I’ve cultured since you’ve been gone?” he asked pulling up his sleeve and flexing.

    “I’ve learned some mad fighting skills up with the gangsters in L.A.,” I replied. “I can kill you six different ways with my pinky.”

    “You have to catch me first fatty,” he joked before turning and running.

    “Don’t fall asleep tonight,” I warned him as he made his escape.

    “Damn, not even home a day and you’re already threatening to kill him again,” Clay,” laughed.

    “What can I say we have a love hate relationship,” I responded.

    “But not like our relationship right,” he questioned.

    “Yeah, I replied. “You just know to steer clear of me.”

    “No, I think you know I’m more powerful so you just obey my every command,” he stated.

    “No, no I don’t think that’s how it goes,” I defended myself.

    “Of course you don’t think. You just follow,” he declared.

    “You’re so lucky I’m still waking up,” I assured him. “Or else I’d have to beat you up.”

    “Cocky are we?” Clay questioned.

    “No, just stating the truth,” I answered.

    “Whatever,” he replied stalking off into the living room. “We’ll finish this later,” he assured me before he left.

    “Definitely,” I replied. I whipped up something to eat. By now it was almost noon. Too early for me.

    The day went by fast. Dad had off work, and all of hung out all day. We ate and just watched movies until it hit midnight. Glen didn’t complain about being stuck home all day. I don’t know if dad told him he couldn’t go because I was here, or if he wanted to stay. Clay on the other hand canceled his weekend plans to hangout with me. I appreciated it, because it was nice just spending time with them. I called Ashley before I went to bed. She seemed to be happy to talk to me. My head it the pillow and I was out.

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    1. Aiden really needs to get a clue that Ashley and Spencer have no romantic interest in him, but in each other. He really is a manwhore. I hope Ashley gets to explain to Spencer that Aiden was the one who initiated the kiss and doesn’t like him that way before it’s too late. PMASAP.

    2. Aiden really needs to get a clue that Ashley and Spencer have no romantic interest in him, but in each other. He really is a manwhore. I hope Ashley gets to explain to Spencer that Aiden was the one who initiated the kiss and doesn’t like him that way before it’s too late. PMASAP.

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