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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: First Love)

    “Come on Ashley,” I begged pulling on her hand.

    “Spencer when you say ideas I actually thought you mean ideas,” she whined putting extra emphasis on ideas.

    “Stop acting like a 16 year old hormonal boy.” I rolled my eyes at the thought of guys.

    “But I don’t want to play,” she continued. She’s lucky I think she’s cute.

    “Come on Ash you could totally score.”

    “Bull,” she mumbled reluctantly letting me drag her. Sighing, I didn’t retaliate, but I just kept pulling her along.

    We finally managed to reach it and I knew right at that moment why I missed it so much.

    “How come we have to play soccer?” Ashley complained falling over next to the goal. But I wasn’t listening to her anymore. The grass smelled freshly cut. The lines on the field looked fresh. My cleats seemed to mesh perfectly into the ground, giving me an edge of control over my movements. The ball moved smoothly from one foot to another, as I relived another time, another life.

    “Spencer are you even listening to me?” Ashley asked. Whoops.

    “Sorry Ash. I was kind of out of it.” Bringing the ball towards me with the tip of my foot, I flicked it up to myself. I watched the ball bounce smoothly from foot to foot, until I lost it and it feel back into the grass. “But I promise that we can have funnnn later,” I stated stretching out the fun. Oh yes we will have lots of fun. Thinking about it, I could feel the corners of my lips turn into a smirk. I might have licked my lips, but maybe that was just my imagination.

    “When you say fun, do you mean fun, or fun…fun?”

    “If you can score on me here out on the field, you’ll score more than in one way today.” Well apparently this was motivation for her. Finally I was going to have some competition. Looking in her eyes, I could tell she was serious now. But I wanted to take it up another step. I wanted her to keep her eyes on the prize. Smiling evilly, I took off my t-shirt so I was down to my bra, wrist band, and shorts.

    “What are you thinking baby?” I asked watching her eyes move across every inch or exposed flesh. Yep, now she’s motivated.

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    1. Loved the update. I hope Ash can get over Spencer’s past. Alyssa may be Spencer’s past, but Ashley is Spencer’s future. I can’t wait to read what happens next. PMASAP.

    2. i loved this update! the soccer thing was hot, and the game even better. I just hope Ashley can get over Spencer’s past, i mean c’mon, spencer gets past ashley’s right?

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