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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Wonder if I Can Just Say Sorry)

    The entire week Ashley wouldn’t even look at me. She still picked me up for school every morning, but she’d never say a word. Kyla tried cheering me up. She’d switch between Ashley and me looking very confused and lost. I felt bad for her, but I was also busy feeling bad for myself. By the time the week ended I felt like I was going insane. Friday night after school I went home and laid down on the couch. I closed my eyes to feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I flipped it open and read a message from a number my phone didn’t recognize.

    “What are you doing tonight,” the message read.

    “Who is this,” I replied. Thirty seconds later my phone vibrated again.

    “Whoever you want it to be lol,” the message stated.

    “In that case I’m hoping it’s Jessica Alba,” I sent back feeling glad that someone was actually talking to me.

    “I have so much on her baby that she wont even cross your mind when you’re with me,” I got a message back. Having enough fun with the mind games I decided to just call the number.

    “Hello sexy,” the person on the other end answered.

    “Aiden you idiot,” I joked.

    “How’d you know it was me?” he asked.

    “I recognized your annoying voice,” I joked.

    “Fair enough,” he laughed.

    “So how did you get my number anyways.” I have to hunt them down.

    “I have my sources,” she stated cheekily. “So what are you doing tonight?”

    “I don’t know. I’m waiting for a good offer,” I responded.

    “Then look no further,” he assured me. “Tonight Chris and I are having a bonfire. He’s inviting some friends and I’m inviting you.”

    “Sounds fun.” Honestly the thought made me want to fall asleep, but I really need to get Ashley off of my mind right now.

    “Cool my house seven o’clock then,” he stated.

    “I’ll be there,” I responded.

    “Sounds good,” he said. “See you later sexy.”

    “Bye hormonal boy,” I joked before hanging up.

    Tonight was going to be interesting. The way I figured there was bound to some hot girls there so I decided to look hot. By the time I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time in front of a mirror in my life. Damn I was dressed to kill. Ok, so I’m trying to build some confidence here. Honestly usually I don’t look in the mirror this much unless, unless I’m going to meet Ashley…

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    1. now ash has opened up some to spencer and others now its spencers turn to give ashley a little something at least, especially the i’m sorry speech as well pms

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