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    All Alone – (Chapter: What I'm Afraid Of)

    This town is colder now

    I think it’s sick of us

    It’s time to make our move

    I’m skakin off the rust

    I’ve got my heart set on anywhere but here

    I’m staring down myself, counting up the years

    Steady hands just take the wheel

    Every glance is killing me

    Time to make one last appeal for the life I lead

    I stared off into the abyss watching the towns roll by. Each one looked similar to the last, until they all blended together, but it’s the same way with emotions. After awhile they all just start to feel the same…

    Ash would look over me every once and awhile and give me a weak smile. It feels like she gives me those smiles for reassurance, but every false hearted smile is killing me. It shouldn’t be this way. She shouldn’t have to do this.

    I really wish I knew what was going on in her mind sometimes. Everyday I feel like something changes, but I don’t ever know what it is. I can’t even tell if she’s looking at me with pity, sympathy, regret… Baltimore is now hours behind us. To Ashley we were there too long and now its time to move on, but to me we need to go anywhere but back. I watched Ashley so confident put the key in the engine and take the wheel. She’s ready for whatever comes. I just wish I could say the same. No matter how many different ways I look at it, I still feel like we’re driving straight back into hell. People always say you can’t run from your problems, but you can. The point is, you just can’t go back.



    Stop and stare

    I think I’m moving, but I go nowhere

    Yeah, I know that everyone gets scared

    But I’ve become what I can’t be

    Stop and stare

    Your start to wonder why you’re here no there

    And you’d give anything to get what’s fair

    But fair ain’t what you really need

    Oh, can you se what I see


    “Spence,” Ashley whispered shaking me awake.

    “Yeah Ash,” I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

    “We’re going to spend the night here.” Looking around for the first time, I finally realized we were parked at a small somewhat run down hotel. By now the sun was long gone, and the moon shone down on us like runaways in the night. I followed her with my bag slung over my shoulder.

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    1. i finally caught up! lol! this story is so amazing. and i do have to agree that i also hope that spencer can start trusting ashley more when she says she will always be there!! awesome update!! PMASAP

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