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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret)

    After school I met Ashley at her car and we went to go hang out at her house for the night. As hard as we tried to ditch Kyla, she followed us. Well there goes my plans with Ashley for the evening.

    “So what do you guys want to do?” Ashley asked looking bored and annoyed. She kept shooting me annoyed glances every time Kyla wasn’t looking.

    “I don’t know,” I zoned out tapping my fingers to the beat of the song blaring from the speakers.

    “How about we…”

    “No,” Ashley interrupted Kyla. “No we.” Kyla just let out a groan of frustration in response.

    “Fine, I get it,” Kyla sighed. “I’ll leave you two alone.” Wow, this is a first. Should I be writing this down? “But I swear if I hear any disturbing noises…” she stated before getting up. Empty threat, what’s she going to do? But the idea alone was enough to make Ashley smirk I guess. Kyla just exhaled loudly and walked out of the room. In a matter of seconds Ashley managed to jump practically five feet to where I was.

    “What do you think Spence?” Ashley whispered running her finger lazily on my inner thigh. “Should we give her something to complain about?” I could feel my body grow hotter the closer her finger ran to my center.

    I tried to get something out but all I managed to choke out was something incoherent and mumbled. Ashley just smiled at my attempt.

    “You’re adorable,” she stated continuing her agonizingly slow circles on my legs.

    “Ash…” it was all I could managed to say.

    “Yes Spencer,” she purred sending shockwaves through my spine.

    “Are these walls soundproof?” it was all I could say but that in itself told her everything it needed to.

    “Don’t worry about Kyla baby. She’ll get over it.” Her body moved to on top of mine. Her center was now dangerously close to mine. The smell of her skin lingered over my body. Warm breath tickled my exposed flesh. Bringing her face up to mine, she planted a gentle but intimate kiss on my lips. Slowly, she moved down to my shirt.

    “Unneeded clothing,” she mumbled bringing her fingers to dispose of the material. Part of me had to resist the urge to laugh at her the other part of me was blindly paralyzed by this beautiful girl on top of me. Slowly, my body functions started regaining life. Sitting up, I allowed Ashley to bring the t-shirt up over my head. Everything in her eyes were telling me everything I needed to know. I saw something that deep down gave me reassurance that this would never be like Alyssa. This was different. She was different.

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    1. I agree with everyone else and that Spencer needs to be honest with Ashley especially now that they are dating. I hope that what happened in Spencer’s past is going to ruin her relationship with Ashley. PMASAP.

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