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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Eight)

    The band had been rehearsing for a good eight hours straight baseless when Ashley finally folded and let everyone take a break. Spencer, along with Danny at Ashley’s request, had gone back to the hotel for some rest. The Trouble Makers decided to practice a little karate to kill the time until Ashley had to start auditions.

    Eric, on Ashley’s order, was the human dummy. His body was completely covered with contact body padding. His only job was to stand there and take whatever kicks and punches the rocker had to deliver. Ashley loved it … Eric not so much.

    “Uff,” Eric grunted as his back hit the floor. He looked up at the smirking rocker. “You’re supposed to hit me not send me flying to the ground,” he chastised as he rolled himself onto his feet.

    “Where’s the fun in that,” Ashley laughed getting back into her karate stance.

    Eric shook his head, “Couldn’t we have just gone to the gym and beat on a punching bag,” he asked as the rocker kicked at his head then stomach.

    “And get swarmed by crazy fans,” Brian asked sipping from his coffee.

    “Ashley could’ve gone incognito,” Eric grunted as the rocker continually punched at his stomach, “Choose a different spot to hit yeah Ash? I’m actually starting to feel that.”

    “This is awesome,” Tom said gleefully.

    The driver glared at him and raised his padded hand, “I know you can’t see my hand right now,” he hissed. “But you can guarantee there’s a middle finger sticking up for you underneath this padding.”

    Ashley rolled her eyes and proceeded to kick him on his shoulders. Eric turned his attention back to the rocker, “I don’t know how you do it Ashley,” he said suddenly.

    “Do what,” the rocker breathed out delivering a punch to his stomach.

    “I mean,” he continued. “You’ve been with Spencer since she was fifteen so that’s what … four years now you’ve been together?”

    Ashley nodded. “What’s your point,” she grunted as she kicked.

    “C’mon Ash,” he laughed. “Four years with no sex? How do you do it?”

    The rocker froze. She set her hands on her hips. The other Trouble Makers cringed, they had no idea if she was gonna blow up on him or … if she was gonna blow up on him.

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    1. good god, heather isn’t going to turn into another carmen is she?? and hell yea “tyson”! as long as ash refrains from kicking his ass right there then maybe he has a chance! great update as always! pms!

    2. Talk about wanting your job back. Maybe Ashley will realize she had the best bass player out there and hire Ryan back. I’m also glad Ashley was honest with Spencer concerning that hoohie Heather. Seriously what’s her problem, she knows Ashley’s attached. Great update. Can hardly wait for your next update.

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