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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: The Nightmare That Never Seems To End)

    I watched the days of the week fade away. Each day gone seemed like I was getting closer and closer to my death sentence. I know Ashley could see my anxiety grow. Right now I could literally see my heart beating out of my own chest. My thoughts screamed so loud when I was alone, that the silence around me was almost deafening. But I gritted my teeth and let them scream. I waved goodbye to Wednesday and I found myself face to face with Thursday…

    “Hey, Spencer what’s up?” Kyla asked. The bell hadn’t rung yet, and I’d just reached my locker. Playing with my lock and then prying it open, I tried to act casual. I wonder if my constant paranoid habit of looking over my shoulder every ten seconds is blowing my cool.

    “Not much, um hey if anyone out of the ordinary um, never mind,” I stuttered. I couldn’t say it without giving myself away. I really need to work on this whole casual thing. Now she’s looking at me funny. Yeah, she knows something’s up. God, I hope Alyssa was just messing with my mind. She was always so talented at that. It’s four months later and I still can’t get past all the crap she put me through. She really messed me up, or maybe I was just messed up to begin with. I finally realized Kyla was talking to me knocking me out of my thoughts.

    “You all right there bud?” Is it weird that I’m still not used to people sounding like they actually care about me? It’s just such a drastic change from before…

    “Yeah, I’m alright. I guess I’m just a little stressed with all the tests today,” I lied. I have to improve my lying skills, because I swear they can see right through me. I’m so predictable sometimes.

    “Okay, um so after school do you want to hang out since Ashley’s got detention?” Kyla questioned.

    “Yeah, that’d be awesome,” I replied. I hope that I make it to after school. I don’t know when my nightmares going to pop out of the ground, this morning, this afternoon, tonight, probably when I’m vulnerable and least expectant.

    This time the bell rang kicking me out of my thoughts.

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    1. Spencer needs to open up to Ashley about her past especially now that Alyssa is back in the picture. I hope Alyssa doesn’t ruin what Spencer and Ashley’s relationship. PMASAP.

    2. i feel like alyssa and her crew put something in spencer’s drink cuz all she had was coke, she didn’t drink and kyla and ash need to get there soon before anything really bad happens pms

    3. I hope Ash and Kyla get there in time! and i think Ash will understand about the kiss…she was drunk, it’s not like she had a choice. What I don’t understand is why Spencer went out with Alyssa and those idiots in the first place. The whole time I was waiting for them to like throw her in the trunk of their car or something equally hazardous. Also, even if Spence did go out with them why would she get completely sloshed? She should be watching her own back! Stupid!! Great update!! Great writing too! pms!

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